Aggressive Royal Gramma

mot ii

We always thought royal grammas were supposed to be fairly peaceful and were excited when we added a really pretty one to our tank. At that time we also had a lawnmower blennie for about 3 weeks and it was doing great.
WIthin a few days of being in the tank the gramma staked claim on most of the LR areas as its own. When the blennie would venture near the rocks the gramma would chase after it with its mouth wide open (like an eel!) If it went near the grammas sleeping out! A couple of weeks later we added three pajama cardinals and the gramma went after them a few times, but since they tend to hang in the water and not go near the rocks the gramma eventually left them alone.
Last week I came home to a dead blennie. He was lying on the substrate in a little cavern area near where the gramma sleeps. At first we thought it had died of something else so we checked the water levels, etc and all was okay. We are fairly certain he was eating good (algae on the LR and tanks walls as well as supplement algae sheets.) And, all the other fish were fine.
A few days later we added a blue hippo tang to the tank and within 30 seconds the gramma was after it. It chased the tang around and kept bitting at it. We waited a bit to see if things would settle down but when the tang dove into a rock crevice to hide the gramma followed close behind. You could just see the panic of the tang The aggression just didn't stop and we could just tell it would probably be killed within a matter of minutes.
We debated on which to take out of the tank and settled on the gramma as we figured this aggression might appear with any other fish we introduced that wanted to be near the rocks. It was a frantic mess of trying to catch the gramma while it was trying to catch the tang! Once we caught it we took it back to the LFS. They were really surprised to hear how aggressive it was....
The bad news is that the hippo tang has developed ich and now we're dealing with that... maybe we should have kept the gramma and taken the tang back??!!


It's always better to remove a really aggressive fish. The ich can be treated, but the gramma's aggressive behavior cannot. You did the right thing by removing the gramma. You should try again and see if you can find a less aggressive specimen, after you get the ich taken care of. I've been lucky enough to never have to deal with ich, so I've got no advice for you there. Good luck!


Hi Mot
Please don’t take offense to this question, but are you certain that you have Royal Gramma? I checked your profile but didn’t see how long you have been in this hobby, so just in case you are new to it; there is another fish that sort of looks like a Royal. It’s a bi-colored Dottyback that is sometimes mislabeled in fish stores. They are mean as heck and will sometimes attack pretty much anything in a small tank.
Just trying to help…

mot ii

No offense taken. Yes, we are certain it was a royal gramma. The LFS also had pseudo-grammas so we know what they look like as compared to a regular royal. The only thing we can figure is that maybe the royal was a mature fish because it was pretty big compared to others we have seen. Perhaps as it aged it developed its aggression.
We've had our tank going for about 4 months.


That's great. Glad there was not an id issue. Fish can sort of be like people I guess...there are good ones and bad. It sounds like you just got a fish from "the wrong side of the reef."

Hope you guys are enjoying your tank! Best of luck to you.


Active Member
IMO, yes, they can be quite aggressive and territorial and can cause real problems in small tanks.


I also had a super aggressive RG one time. It killed a purple firefish within minutes of introduction and went after everything in the tank including shrimp, snals, and crabs. If a snail ventured into her cave, she would get it in her mouth and spit it out on the sandbed. She would also ram into them as they climbed the glass causing them to fall to the sandbed.


Active Member
There are 2 different Royal Grammas. One is Brazillian and the Other is Caribbean. The Caribbean is more peaceful than the brazillian. I only order the carribbeans for my customers and stay away from the brazillian.


Jon is correct that there are two similar species. mine was most definately Gramma Loreto not Gramma Brasiliensis (sp?)- the coloring is slightly different. The only thing we can determine is that I got an aggressive male. He went into the tank as the first fish and it was about a month before I added the purple firefish - I think he just claimed the whole tank as his during that time.


Active Member
I would say that there would be a good chance of aggression between this fish and any similar size/color fish. The firefish would definitely be a potential issue, as well as any pseudos, and even bicolor blennies.


New Member
My Royal Gramma was aggresive towards my Hippo Tang when he arrived. This lasted for about a week after which everone got along fine. Just teasing the new kid I guess.