Aggressive Skimming


Active Member
I've seen this term thrown around a bit lately to address various water quality issues.
However, I'm not sure what is meant by it.
I currently have my skimmer tuned to provide very dry bubbles with very thick and nasty skimmate. Would that be considered aggressive?
I've also in the past had the skimmer tuned to provide moist bubbles with more of a watery skimmate. Or this THAT aggressive?
I'm not even sure which of the two is best. Instintively it seems the dark nasty stuff is pulling out more.
Share your thoughts please?


Aggressive skimming is using larger skimmer than recommended for a tank. Wet bubbles will be more aggressive than dry ones...
... just my $.02


Active Member
i run mine a lil more wet still is a solid yellow brown color but it pulls out a lot more when set at a little more wet....
wet skimming with a larger skimmer would be aggresive skimming IMO


Active Member
I agree with the two posters above, aggressive skimming would be the more wet skimate. This leads to alot more frequent collection cup cleaning.