Aggressive System Filtration


Active Member
I go with a large sump for major flow and refugium for nutrient export...
A large Skimmer for Dissolved organics removal...
A canister filter for "mechanical filtration" (filter floss/change often) and a place to run "chemical filtration" phosphate remover long term...carbon short term...
That pumps a low gph into a UV light for parasite and nuisance algae spore distruction...
Biological filtration is carried by a Shallow sand bed and a good bit of mature Live rock...
Don't forget the snails crabs, pods and worms if your inhabitants won't eat them (to break down detritus and uneaten food)
And of course water changes for nutrient dilution and trace element replacement and "light" sand bed vacuuming to remove unwanted food,algae,and detritus build up...
Oh Yeah...and circulation,lots of it... to keep oxygen levels up, which is just as important for the bacteria as it is for your inhabitants...


New Member
Thanks for the complete info! :)
I would eventually like to have a setup with some morays.. I know they are messy eaters, so I just needed to know what I was up against for filtering all that junk out. *hehe* :)
I appreciate the help! :jumping: