aggressive tank owners

fish crazy

to those who have aggressive tanks i have some questions for you. dont you get algae? and if you stick your hand into the tank to clean it or for any other reason do your fish attack you?

ray j neal

I think no matter the type of tank being had you will have algae. It is simply part of it IMO there are ways to control it and keep it to a minimum. And no I have not been violently attacked, however they do get 'curious'.


Active Member
I have had many types of triggers puffers sharks rays and eels .... out of all that the only fish I have ever had a problem with biting me was a damsel. He would repetidly attack me . . . Granted I never gave the green moray a chance I kept my hand far away from him and used a stick for feedings . Nut hey I call that common sence.
Even my undulated trigger never took a nip at me and he was one mean dude with a major attitude . A lot of fish will even become hand tame and allow you to "pet" them . I had a very small SFE that would swim into my balled up hand to feed so as the trigggers couldnt get to the food . It would always nose around me when I was in the tank looking for treats !


Active Member
Yup ! ! ! Its kind of a given if you have aggresive fish that your gonna have to keep restocking your clean up crew or just go with out them


Active Member
Half the fun is putting your hand in the tank and not knowing if it is going to come out in one piece

fish crazy

Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
Half the fun is putting your hand in the tank and not knowing if it is going to come out in one piece
