Aggressive Tank Setup Questions

So I know I will be setting up a rather large aquarium. Anywhere from 210-250 gallons. What size and brand of canister filter would be best for such? I was thinking the Fluval 404? Would I need to add extra air flowage into the tank by adding two extra air stones? How many powerheads should I run in there? 2 or more? Is there a good protein skimmer anyone could suggest? That would help. Now back to the canister filter, would one Fluval 404 canister filter do the trick? Or would I need more. What else should I I need a water purifier I think they are called RO or something? It would be sink water with obvious added sea salt mixture. Now I also know I want to get a Blue Line Trigger and base my other fish off of that. What type of Lionfish would go well with that? or tang or butterfly or wrasse? Would a frogfish be okay in there? And is there any other type of eel you could suggest besides a snowflake that stays relatively smaller. Thanks guys and gals. :help:


Active Member
Wow, you have a job ahead of you. First I would list your questions in a numbered list format so that we will make sure that you get them all answered.
1. One Fluval 404 will not do anything for a tank that size. If you are doing aggresives, you will be feeding a lot and thus you need a large filter. I believe that you will much better off with a sump.
2. Check out the Corallife Super Skimmers. They are awesome and less than others.
3. For water flow use Maxijets, or the new Seios
4. Many people use sink water, myself included, but as soon as I can I will be investing in an RODI filter. If you can afford it, get it now. It will help you in the long run.
5. I;m not good with the fish list. maybe others can help you there.
6. A frog fish in that big of a tank would never be seen. They need a tank just for them, so you can be sure that they are getting fed. Most frogs will do great in a 20-50g tank. They need live food or at least meaty foods on a feeding stick right in front of thier face.
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
Wow, you have a job ahead of you. First I would list your questions in a numbered list format so that we will make sure that you get them all answered.
1. One Fluval 404 will not do anything for a tank that size. If you are doing aggresives, you will be feeding a lot and thus you need a large filter. I believe that you will much better off with a sump.
2. Check out the Corallife Super Skimmers. They are awesome and less than others.
3. For water flow use Maxijets, or the new Seios
4. Many people use sink water, myself included, but as soon as I can I will be investing in an RODI filter. If you can afford it, get it now. It will help you in the long run.
5. I;m not good with the fish list. maybe others can help you there.
6. A frog fish in that big of a tank would never be seen. They need a tank just for them, so you can be sure that they are getting fed. Most frogs will do great in a 20-50g tank. They need live food or at least meaty foods on a feeding stick right in front of thier face.

A) So why would a Fluval canister not be good, is it the size? Whats better about a sump rather than a canister filter? Would you suggest using cured live rock inside the sump too?
B) Do the corallife super skimmers come pretty readily? Is there a certain size I should get?
C) Maxijets for my powerhead water circulation?
D) How much do RODI usually run?
E) So you think a Frog fish wouldnt do well in such a tank?
Now what about a climate temperature control system? Such as a cooler. Would that be adviseable to buy a chiller? Is there a way to hook up the chiller to if it got too cold it would heat up, and if too hot itd cool down? Any models you could suggest with a price estimate would be awesome too.


Active Member
1. your going to need a sump/refugium at least 55-75 gallons for a 250.. the bigger the better. a canister filter no matte rhow big isnt going to do much.
2.No matter what skimmer you choose you want a skimmer rated for at least 400-500 gallons.. once again the bigger the better when it comes to aggressives.
3.You can do anythign for water flow, especially the more you drain, the more you can return, also you can use a cloose lopp system for great water flow
4. an RODI is a must so you dont get hair algae and other bad algaes etc. etc. it worth it to just buy one from the begginnign especially since you will be doing 55 gallonw ater changes at least once a month
5. if you want a trigger you cantr get a lions ince they will nip at their fins, although you can consult others with triggers.. i keep everything except triggers since i have sharkks and rays.. also there are alot of nice eels out there but unfortunatly eels do get huge, so you will have to do alot of research ont hat. mentioned frogs are pretty small so i dont think they would do well in a tank that alrge and especially with the fish your wanting to keep.
also maybe a MOD can move this into the agressive foreum since everyoen would be alot more help over there...
also chillers are expensive especially for a tankt hat alrge but a chiller will only make the tank cold, it wont heat the tank up you will have to do that with a heater,, which are pretty cheap..
good luck any questions ask away!
Originally Posted by psusocr1
1. your going to need a sump/refugium at least 55-75 gallons for a 250.. the bigger the better. a canister filter no matte rhow big isnt going to do much.
2.No matter what skimmer you choose you want a skimmer rated for at least 400-500 gallons.. once again the bigger the better when it comes to aggressives.
3.You can do anythign for water flow, especially the more you drain, the more you can return, also you can use a cloose lopp system for great water flow
4. an RODI is a must so you dont get hair algae and other bad algaes etc. etc. it worth it to just buy one from the begginnign especially since you will be doing 55 gallonw ater changes at least once a month
5. if you want a trigger you cantr get a lions ince they will nip at their fins, although you can consult others with triggers.. i keep everything except triggers since i have sharkks and rays.. also there are alot of nice eels out there but unfortunatly eels do get huge, so you will have to do alot of research ont hat. mentioned frogs are pretty small so i dont think they would do well in a tank that alrge and especially with the fish your wanting to keep.
also maybe a MOD can move this into the agressive foreum since everyoen would be alot more help over there...
also chillers are expensive especially for a tankt hat alrge but a chiller will only make the tank cold, it wont heat the tank up you will have to do that with a heater,, which are pretty cheap..
good luck any questions ask away!

Thank you for your answers they help a lot. I will check into the sump pricing, I didnt see any skimmers past 210 gallon setting. Know of any good saltwater supply websites? LFSs dont have much around here. A Cloose Lopp system as the water flow system or combined with powerheads? I will research more into the eel and trigger/lion combo. Good to know about the Frog fish, Ill have to figure out a smaller tank for him.
I guess is there anyone who could post a list of the ESSENTIAL things and maybe a few extra that I will need to have in setting up my 210-250 aggressive tank? Im really starting from scratch Ive read a little bit, but most books at my library didnt have a lot of different things to say.


Active Member
Essentials that i think you need from my experiences
1. at least a 55-75 gallon or larger sump/refugium
2. some live rock as much as possible actually( there are options here though)
3. as big of a skimmer as you can afford
4. at least a 55 gallon drum for water changes and top-off water
5. RODI, youll thank me in the long run
6. a good test kit.
7. good pumps so you dont have to use powerheads if possible, (if not good powerheads)
8.a fishbook so you can research all of your fish you want to get or will be getting.
9. decide a salt in which you will be using
10. although not essential to everyone its on my list A REFRACTOMETER!
11. is this tank going to be FOWLR only? if so what kind of lighting??
12. decide a substrate.. I like Fine Sand
11. do ALOT of research on this before jumping in.. a 250 gallon tank wont take care of itself and requires ALOT of time and patience to get everything right so you dont run into problems as you go. Research water changes, salt cost etc. The upkeep of a tank this big isnt cheap beleive me! especially if you have big eaters!!
once again any other questions... ask away.. You can learn ALOT on the website! especially if you use the search function and look k up and read alot of threads on different subjects!


Active Member
chillers are mainly needed in reef tanks where Metal Halides lights are used which heat the water up thus needing a chiller to chill it back to the normal range.
Or in very warm climates where the temperature of the room causes the tank to climb. The average FOWLR does not need a chiller.
And listen to Psusocr1. He knows what he is talking about.
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
chillers are mainly needed in reef tanks where Metal Halides lights are used which heat the water up thus needing a chiller to chill it back to the normal range.
Or in very warm climates where the temperature of the room causes the tank to climb. The average FOWLR does not need a chiller.
And listen to Psusocr1. He knows what he is talking about.

I definitely am listening to everyone. I want to learn as much as I can before I start investing money and time into such a hobby. I do reptiles right now and wanted to get into the fish hobby as well.