Aggrivated with my cycle


Active Member
Anyone? If it dosent work out im just going to use fish. I dont want to but it seems as it has come to that. Does anyone know why its doing this?


Active Member
No? Thats a good idea. Why I havent done that is that this test kit is only 1 year old. Read it last time I cycled? Should I double check it?


Active Member
I would get the readings somewhere else. 1 year is a relatively older test kit and, uh, some can go off a bit faster than some others. I would definitely double check it, to be sure.


Active Member
There is nothing the fish will provide. All you need is ammonia. There is no benefit whatsoever to adding fish, believe me.


Active Member
I believe you. I just want to know why it started in 3 days with fish and its been 2 weeks with krill. I know everyone can say it varies but its been 2 weeks now! Thats half the cycle period.
Anyways thanks for the help since your the only one helping me at the molment lol. Im just so anxious to get it set up.


Active Member
This is why I always cycle with a couple damsels.
I'm just teasing with you... I always do the damsels, but I doubt it can make that much difference. I'm a damsel lover so I never mind having them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
I believe you. I just want to know why it started in 3 days with fish and its been 2 weeks with krill. I know everyone can say it varies but its been 2 weeks now! Thats half the cycle period.
Anyways thanks for the help since your the only one helping me at the molment lol. Im just so anxious to get it set up.

Each tank cycles differently...if there is something preventing the cycle from progressing, it will be that way regardless of having fish or not.


Active Member
Just got back from school, tested my tank. Ammonia but nothing else. Im gunna see if I can go to the LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Just got back from school, tested my tank. Ammonia but nothing else. Im gunna see if I can go to the LFS.
For what? Hopefully NOT to get anything. Even a little ammonia is toxic and deadly to fish.


Active Member
So they will test it and see if its my test kit. I know whats toxic to the fish Im not putting a fish in there. I just want to know why my tank is doing this!


Active Member
He's gonna get his water tested!

A year old test kit for sure needs replacing. You know, if you have good cured live rock you may not see a cycle at all, and your test kit might just be giving you a false ammonia reading...
Sorry to through a monkey wrench in the thread guys!


Active Member
Ive been thinking hard and alot. This is the only thing I can think of. Are we supposed to leave the krill in? Mine are still in the tank. Do you need to take them out?


Active Member
Ok. Thats all I got. I hope its my test kit. Well im going to the LFS in a bit when we get Pizza for dinner.