

Active Member
Does any one here use Agramilk by CaribSea to add Calcium and buffer to their tank?


New Member
I've been using agaraMILK for ~2 months. My calcium levels have come up a bit (typically ran low-normal, now mid 400's). My coralline has taken off! Now, this was an established system that moved to a new home four months ago, so it may be that all of the details are finally stabilizing, but I've really have had some tremendous coralline spread. It covers essentially almost all rock surfaces. It's now on glass and filters.
My inverts seem to be happy also.
Like most things in this hobby, it's difficult to say whether or not one particular additive has a specific effect, but this seems to help. It is easy to use and seems to make sense.
I started using it based on the good LFS's rec in my area and reading some reviews on various boards.
Good luck,


I've been looking for this product and got my LFS to order it. Is this something that should be dripped into the system or can it be added directly?


I didn't like it because it made the water pretty cloudy. It maintained my Ca levels really well, but the cloudiness was a nuisance.


Active Member
I use it. The cloudiness will go away within an hour or two but I dont use it for calcium as I have read it doesnt really help it. It DOES promote coralline algae growth and that is why I bought it in the first place. You just add enough to get a slight haze in the water via adding it in a flow in front of a powerhead. HTH


Active Member
I had used this product for some time, almost six months. I had some extensive conversations a while back about this product with Bang Guy. Do a search on the board and you will probably find my thread.
If you dont feel like searching, to sum up the thread, it did wonders for coralline growth, but after time, it could never raise the calcium above 350. No matter how much I dosed. IMO, it is one of those attmepts at a "wonder product" that comes up short.