Agressive Angel


New Member
I have a Blueface Angel who has become incredibly agressive lately. Can tempreture changes contribute to this? I am fairly new to the aquarium buisness. I bought a 55 gallon tank from a guy at work. The fish is pretty big. He is about 6"-7" long. Will the cramped living space cause him to attack the other inhabitants? He has been especially mean to the clown fish.
I bought a half dollar sized Blue tang yesterday, This morning I woke up and the tang is gone. I looked under rocks in the plants etc. The entire tank is escape proof so he couldn't jump out. Do you think the angel ate it?


the angel didn't eat him, imo you will probaly need a larger tank (125+) to limit aggression and give the animals swimming space, the tang needs 6ft to swim b/c they are open water swimmers in the wild, maybe trade in the angel and get smaller fish more peaceful (anthias) ....... welcome to the boards and there are people here that are able to answer all your questions


New Member
Well after leaving the tank alone for about 2 hours the tang has re appeared. this fish must be an incredible hide and seek player.
Being I cannot really afford to buy a bigger tank at the moment I will likely have to trade the angel. I really dont want to do so because he is 7 years old and a really beautiful fish. I would hate to see him die though.


Active Member
you're unfortunately going to have to do the same with the blue hippo eventually. did you quaranteen the hippo before putting with your angel?


trading in the angel is your best bet there are many other fish that are nice and can fit in ur tank...... can i have a livestock list and maybe ill be able to tell what u can add..........


New Member
1 False Clown
1 Very big Blueface Angel
1 very Small Pacific blue tang
1 Domino Damsel
1 Bi-Color Blenny
2 fire tail gobies
and a cleaner shrimp;
You think this is too many fish? Other than the Angel none of them are very big.


Active Member
I think its too much take the angel out and the tang and you can add a couple of smaller fish.


If you take out the damsel, angel and tang then i would say you could get 2-3 of these fish
1..........dwarf angel........... pick one
- flame
-coral beauty
-multi color
you can pick one b/c they will fight
i would go with
-flame angel
- longnose hawkfish
- crapenter flasher wrasse
- midas blenny
- pair of clowns
assuming you trade in all your fish to start from skratch


solution: put the blueface in a bag with air and send him overnight to me
jK. The angel will be more aggressive then normal in tighter spaces as he will want as much room as he can get. A larger tank will allow him to "graze" more off LR and hopefully vary his diet more.