agressive question


New Member
Hi...I thinking about setting up a 40 gallon tank, and I want a Lion Fish...Can you tell me which other agressive fish can live with a Lion.
I want to get the right tank mate for him...nothing risky...some people have told me that triggers might be a good pick...

grouper 42

Wouldn't bother with a saltwater tank less than 55 gal. Even at that you are limited in what you can get. I bought a 128 gal thinking I could put a whole ocean's worth of fish in it having had a 29 gal freshwater tank as a kid. Thought it was huge. Now I wish I had bought a 220 gal tank which could have squeezed into the same space as the 128 gal. I have only 7 fish in the 4-6 inch range each and it is definitely maxed out. And I can get in that many only because they are all pretty peaceful. Forget Triggers except in very large tanks IMO.


New Member
Really, my 25 gallon is doing fine, even tho its small. I think its basicly all on personal oppions and personal expirences.
Everybody says yes and no...No need for deep paranoia.


Active Member
You asked for opinions and were given them then you say no need for paranoia since you got the answers you did not want to hear. So I would suggest to other members save your paranoia and forget this post!


well you obviously dismiss others opinions if they don't coincide with your own so why bother asking???
so here is another opinion to dismiss:
i agree with the previous posts and if i were you i would either 1)wait untill you can get a larger tank, 2)go with smaller fish, or 3)don't set up another tank at all...
[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: justchillin ]