Agressive Tank


Wow, I guess you learn something new everyday. I believe what you are saying about the pump, I just don't understand how the pump being 3 feet down from the aquarium can creat a magnetic field. Does it actually travel with the water flow?


Active Member

Originally posted by condork12
I hope you are not submersing that mag drive if you want to have sharks or rays. That pump will produce a huge magnetic field and drive your shark crazy (litereally) and will eventually die. Same with powerheads. SHarks and powerheads do not mix, also with heaters. Any thing submersed will produce stray current and a magnetic field. Ground probes only take care of the stray current not the magnetic field.

Sorry, but I disagree. I have never had any problems with sharks and magdrives/powerheads. Something has to be wrong with the pump to put off stray voltage. Try putting your hand in a tank with a heater putting off stray voltage... I guarantee you'll notice it... I did, it just about knocked me on my ass and the black tips almost jumped out despite there being a grounding probe in the tank. But I agree about the grounding probe... Probably the most forgotten piece of equipment with a fish tank, especially marine.


if i don't have a sump on a 30 gal. Will i nee a grounding probe. Just don't want to come home and have my fish dead


By the way I have had the damsels in for about 2 weeks and I am still not getting any ammonia. I have even added several dead shrimp in the sump area and I am still not getting a reading. More fish? More shrimp? More time?


Active Member
dab4u2- Give it more time.
fishy411- Id say run one anyway. For the low cost why not install even if you never need it.