agressive yellow tang... safe to add clowns?


I have a yellow tang with a history of aggression.
He has already killed a copper banded butterfly.
As of right now, he's the only fish in the tank.
But he is so agressive that even when I stick the net in the water to fix corals or an anemony he even attacks the net...
I was wondering how compatable are yellow tangs with clown fish.
Would it be safe to put two of them in there and hope he leaves them alone?
Or would it be more likely that he'll kill them too?

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by xjayx
I have a yellow tang with a history of aggression.
He has already killed a copper banded butterfly.
As of right now, he's the only fish in the tank.
But he is so agressive that even when I stick the net in the water to fix corals or an anemony he even attacks the net...
I was wondering how compatable are yellow tangs with clown fish.
Would it be safe to put two of them in there and hope he leaves them alone?
Or would it be more likely that he'll kill them too?
your clowns will be fine, he won't bother them


New Member
I have a maroon clown and he gets along just fine with the yellow tang.
But,I do agree that a 37 gallon is a bit small for two territorial,dominant fish.
Closely consider what you put in it.You might want to try taking out the yellow tang
and hold it until you get the clown.Then, put them in at the same time.
this colud get rid of the "Whole tank is mine" attitude.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I think you are risking it. I really do. There is a definite potential for that tang to not want anyone in that tank. I would strongly encourage you to trade in the tang so that you can keep other fish. As mentioned, the tang is also not suitable for that size tank.


if your not too attach to the YT, you could trade it in with a lfs for another YT and add it to the tank the same time with your clowns. that might work. my friend has a YT that is a nightmare, but mine is the nicest fish in my tank, he's in there with a clarkii, a maroon, and a tomato,-all get along good. good luck


Active Member
i just got rid of my YT last weekend. he was in my 75. he hadnt started attacking fish yet but he basically ate all my shrimp! he ate my 2 CBs , 1 cleaner and 1 camelback. one source told me that once they start getting aggressive they just get more and more bold, slashing everything p with there spurs. supposedly they are the most ill -tempered of the tangs.


wow saltnOOb, i never heard of a YT doing that to a cleaner shrimp! i hope mine YT never get that bold.


I know a 37 is small for a YT but I do intend to purchase a larger tank before he gets bigger.
I know that's the usual copout answer everyone with smaller tanks usually say but I really am planning on buying a 75.
As of right now, he's the only fish in the tank.
Once I get two more perc clowns I'll definitely stop adding fish.
I wasn't sure if it was the shape of the copper banded that bugged my tang, the lack of room (although they were both still small) or just the presence of another fish...
I just don't know how he would react to clowns..
Any suggestions on how and when to add two new fish to make it easier on the tang?


Active Member
You clearly have issues with it being in a smaller tank. Tangs are territorial fish, and this one has a very small tank, so the whole thing is its territory. It is pretty simple logic for the fish. In a larger tank, say a 150 or something, the tang may not become so dominant. I think it is risky to add another fish but I've just had an issue with a Kole tang and a coral beauty in a 45g. Not pretty. And I've heard of similar things happening when people add multiple anemones to a tank with a clown. The clown decides it wants both anemones, and its territory is everything in between - and all fish are then bullied. You can try it, but you may have issues. There are not guarantees that it won't care about the clowns. Just have an alternate plan ready to go if it becomes and issue. Rearrange the rocks when the fish go in, all that jazz....but be ready to pull someone out ASAP if necessary :yes: Best of luck!


New Member
I have a sailfin in a 35g Hex, and yes I know its a small tank. My tang seems happy and is only not aggressive at all. I just added two clarkii clowns and the tang didnt bother them one bit. I guess there is only one way to find out....


It's working out great.
The clown likes to swim right allong side of the tang and my tang seems to ignore him and isn't giving em any trouble adjusting to the new tank.
They all seem to be pretty happy right now.
Hopefully it'll work out.
Thanks for all the help guys.


Originally Posted by WHO DEY
your tang may be pissed off because he's in a 37 gallon
i thoguht of putting a yellow tang in my 60, but seriously ... 37s too little man