Agrssive fish feeding frenzy!!!!


I have a dwarf lion, a small snowflake, a large scopas tang, 2 damsels and 1 LMB in my 55 gallon and sooon the damsels and the LMB will be out of their and a hawkfish will move in. My problem is that every time i feed this tank my eel gets a little rough with the lion (sometimes it goes both ways). If i have a hawkfish in there one of them is sure to be eatin sooner or later...right? I need suggestions on how to peacefully feed my fish and how often...Im currently feeding a half of a silverside to my eel twice a week and a about a quarter silverside to my lion two or three times a week. If anyone has any suggestions, tips, or advice on what to feed them, how often to feed them, and how to feed them peacefully please tell me!!!!


New Member
I think I can offer a little bit of help since you haven't received any other replies.
First of all, um, you really shouldn't keep a scopas tang in a 55. I know there are those that do and they say there's no problem. But, if you are really interested in maintaining a saltwater aquarium then you obviously have an interest in the animals you wish to keep. And in order for you to maintain that interest you will need to learn respect for those species. Sooner or later, hopefully sooner, you will begin to respect the Scopas Tang and you will realize that a 55 gal drop shouldn't contain a species that has evolved in an ecosphere that is just a bit bigger than that.
I know I've dragged on and I apologize if you feel as if I am flaming you. We've all learned our lessons, most of us have learned them the hard way. That's why we try to pass a little bit of wisdom onto someone else.
In terms of feeding. I wouldn't limit the amount of food you provide the lionfish. He should feed to saturation 2-3 times per week. That doesn't mean you should feed until he looks like a softball. But, you should feed until he is full. The same goes with the eel. The snowflake eel will tell you when he is full by refusing to eat anymore food.
Additionally, it is much healthier for your fish if you provide a varied diet. Try feeding coctail shrimp or chunks of whitefish. You may even soak some of the silversides in a vitamin to help supplement their diet.
Overall, good luck and don't stop learning about that amazing ecosystem.


I know about the scopas tang now but when i bought him my LFS assured me he'd be fine but now hes stressed and the store won't take him back and i cant find anyone who will take him yet...but ive got a friend setting up a tank that'll take him once hes done cycling...hes got an 85 long i think it is. I also feed my eel/lion a couple feeders or ghost shrimmp once and a while as a treat. Thanks for your help ill try getting some different food in their diet. Thanks-Greg