ahh help


Never had to deal with ick in my sw before.. i see a few dots on my fishes.. ill try to use the garlic trick to help there health up alittle...


Active Member
Do a search and you'll find that this topic has been addressed A LOT. Tell us a bit about your system. Do you have a QT? Is this reef or FOWLR? What fish do you have in your tank? The infected fish, is it still eating and swimming normally? There are different methods of addressing this issue.


ive only really treated ick in freshwater nothing else.. i think i figured out where i got it.. from *****!!!
anyways i think they just got it today as they were fine.. except the tang witch had alittle fin rot at the end.. but only recently.. the fishes are.. sweetlips, hippo tang, blue fin angel, and a royal gramma.. and a pink chromis.. there is like 3-5 dots on each fish.. they are eating and swimming but the ht is scratching..
do you think since i stopped using fresh garlic for about a week would of helped popped out?? ive been using garlic for the past month and a half since i got them. but was in vacation for a week but had someone not use garlic so it would make it easier for them..


Active Member

This is very comman with tangs and new fish. This is why it is best to QT fish first. Please go here:
and post all your info . They will help you with this. Do not add anything to your DT. Read and post first before you do anything.
Include all info you can think of. All water para. numbers please., SG, temp, size of tank, age of tank, filtration, gph, anything you add, your maintance, what type of water you use(tap/rodi). what you feed and how often, what all is in your tank.etc.....
This is like giving you history to the dr before he dx and tx.

Good Luck


Active Member
if u r sure its ick, take the fish out and qt them medication with no lr or inverts. a more natural way i found to work when i 1st started in the hobby is using skunk shrimps and neon gobies. they seem to get rid of the parasites pretty good.


Hmm I've been trying to get a skunk shrimp but they always sell out the day they get it. I wish. My fire shrimp would do something besides hide. I also have a sleeper goby will he help out


i successfully treated ick using hypo, I did hypo on the display tank, by taking all the live rock, coral, and inverts out and putting them in a rubber maid tub with a heater and power head for 6 weeks, you might get more response on this by posting in the sick fish forum. been over two months since I say a ick spot, I also believe i got it from *****, but in the end it was my fault for not quarantining all new arrivals, lesson learned...


Originally Posted by Kube
i successfully treated ick using hypo, I did hypo on the display tank, by taking all the live rock, coral, and inverts out and putting them in a rubber maid tub with a heater and power head for 6 weeks, you might get more response on this by posting in the sick fish forum. been over two months since I say a ick spot, I also believe i got it from *****, but in the end it was my fault for not quarantining all new arrivals, lesson learned...

what about the sand? will it be ok? i would do the hypo thing big i dont have a big enough tank to keep the other fishes in for that long i dont think they will be happy in a 5gal hex lol.. anyways the garlic thing seems do be helping now few less white dots on the tang..


I left the sand in the DT threw in a bunch of pvc pieces for entertainment for the fish, found a rubbermaid tub from the garage and put everything else in there. Thing with the garlic and kick ich or any other chemicals is unless you break the ick cycle and kill the parasite its going to keep coming back