Ahh Look what bloomed in my tank today



Well how about it anyone else have one of these fasinating little guys?


Active Member
Rock/flower anemone.
Good looking specimen. My lfs always seems to have some nice ones in stock. Do they move around a lot? Bo


New purchase.
That pic was taken just a few hours after acclimation was completed, he has moved from the sand just infront of this rock to on the rock, or about 2 inches.
I did read where they like to be just under the water near the top of an aquarium but I have never really seen any there before in any tank that I have seen them in. We shall see what happens.



Originally posted by TangMan99
Any bad things about this one?

I hear that they can be somewhat aggressive, this is not however a type that is like a BTA or or the like, its more of a cross between a mushroom anemone and the BTA's in that it is flat like a mushroom only thicker and meatier and has the short tenticles. Rather liked the looks of this guy and he looked so healthy. Not sure yet if they are active movers, he is located (for now) on the opposite side as the 4 BTA's.



Originally posted by Thomas712
I hear that they can be somewhat aggressive, this is not however a type that is like a BTA or or the like, its more of a cross between a mushroom anemone and the BTA's in that it is flat like a mushroom only thicker and meatier and has the short tenticles. Rather liked the looks of this guy and he looked so healthy. Not sure yet if they are active movers, he is located (for now) on the opposite side as the 4 BTA's.

I have three of these guys in my room mates 180g. Its a reef too, they don't "seem" to affect the corals. They're sit in the same spot for days-weeks, than suddenly move somewhere else, and again stay put for awhile. They do reproduce in your tank to! Only had two to begin with!!!

the claw

Active Member
I had one Thomas, but of all things, it did so well, and got so big, I had to get rid of it. It was in my 55. I wish I had it now in my bigger tank, but I wonder how big these things can get.


Active Member
I've had this guy for about years. He's been in my reef for a year and a half and has never moved. Loves shrimp, silversides or anything else that comes his way.
Great specimen and good luck with him.
Here's mine probably 4 times the size he was when I got him.


Jumpfrog - they almost look like the same kind, green and white. Mine is under 380 watts VHO, what's yours under?


Active Member
Thomas, I've got him on the sand bottom under about 260 watts PC.
Here's one I took about 2 minutes ago as he's starting to close up. He does something all the time. I love him. Please make sure you feed him though. He needs more than his zoos. I love the bright green on yours. Is that flash or just a result of your lighting?


Thats what he looks like under 2 URI 50/50's and 2 03 actinics. He may seem a little brighter with the flash. Took one where I coverd the flash but the pic turned out all blueish like a giant turtle was swimming overhead and blocking the sun. this is 24 hours later and he has opened up a little more.


DVskin - Is yours round and flat too? I see that Jumpfrog and MichealTX pics have them round and flat and mine has fixed himself almost vertical on the rock.


mine moves around abit sometimes he is flat like the pic and other times he will move up on the rock a bit almost at a vertical I just liked the way he looked flat so thats when I took the pic.