

Last week I was in the hospital for a couple of days and while I was gone some water evaporated and since I came back I haven't been feeling well enough to take care of it. Today I was feeling better so I decided to top off my tank and before I did I checked my specific gravity and it came out to be 1.030. I started bringing it down slowly and I just walked in to find my McCosker wrasse and my clown dead. I'm checking the levels now but could the spike in specific gravity kill them? I'm just very confused and as of now everything else seems to be fine. The weird thing is though, when I fed them last night everyone seemed as happy as could be. Please help me out with this, I really don't want to lose anything else.


Alright, everything was fine except for my phosphate which were through the roof, besides that, ph was right on as well as alkalinity, nitrites were 0 and nitrates were 5. I'm going to go a water change tomorrow. Hopefully everything will be fine...