Ahhhh!grrrrrrrr! I Am Really P/o!


My mother bought me a bluehead wrasse and brought it home as a surprise! I thought I told her about unexpected fish.


Active Member
my mumsie wouldnt do that i dont htink, because ive told her all about different kinds of fish. She realy realy likes a little panther grouper about an inche long and a pink tailed trigger at my LFS, but i told her they would outgrow the tank too fast, and probably eat all the fish i have, minus my snowflake eel, so i think i have that part figured out.
it was all out of good intentions though, just return it for store credit


I think it is VERY cool that you mom shares your interest in fish, so I'll give her props foir that
Just let her know that choosing fish is a very detailed process and that lots of reseach is involved before buying. Sounds like she definately had good intentions, so don't be too hard on her.:joy:


Active Member
i agree completly. My mom loves my tank and wants to buy something for them when we go to the LFS, i also owe her about 300 bucks!! Eep!! i have it all in the bank though, just have to withdraw it


Well, Lets just hope my lion enjoyed its 20 dollar snack. And I was just starting to like it to. My Pinktail trigger must have mistaken it for a silverside. When it was dead my lion ate it.


I know what you mean!!! When I was switching my 2 small tanks into the 150, I put my bicolored pseudo in the tank with the lion. OOOOPS!!! Next thing I saw was a bright yellow tail sticking out of Lola's mouth. Darn fish probably wants me to make lobster for her next!!! Lesson learned.