AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!



ugh, there's already 4" of snow outside, and it's not stopping. The first snow of the year! I hate living in Ohio... especially near the lake. For those of you not familiar, i live on Lake Erie (the most polluted and disgusting great lake...), and we get "lake effect snow"... the air gets really really cold over the lake, because it feeds off of the coldness of the lake, and has no land mass to help warm it up at all... and that air moves down over our city, and makes really bad winters!!! i hate it!!! anyone else live up north??? had your first snow yet???
on the good side, we can go skiing now, and toboganing (sp???)
oh yeah, speaking of (sp???), where in the world is the spell check on here??? I've read that a mod put a spell check thing here but i can't find it, and i hate having to open up microsoft word to type in the word and spell check it there...


Active Member
Jdrag, you're making me sad. We won't have snow for weeks and weeks in Jersey.


.... huh????
i just don't understand northerners... i lived in p'cola florida before i was dragged up here... saw snow twice in my life down there. It didn't even stick to the ground, and they closed all of the schools, and had the salt trucks out... lol.


oh, mizmy, give me your address, i'll send you some... lol


Originally Posted by Mimzy
Jdrag, you're making me sad. We won't have snow for weeks and weeks in Jersey.

It snowed briefly in PA this morning - so Mimzy you just might get your snow tomorrow


New Member
ick! My folks are dealing with that type of stuff back home in Chicago. I spent my first 30 years there and FINALLY moved down here to FLA and do NOT miss the cold, ice, snow, wind chills, ice, snow... etc. LOL...
I wouldn't trade the green and warmth for anything!


ok, it's not the snow that i hate at all, so don't get me wrong, snow is actually really fun. It's the cold that comes with the snow that i HATE... ok 60 degrees is too cold for me... so the 32 it has to be in order to snow doesn't sit right with me...


New Member
yeah, it's not the snow as much as the bitter, frigid cold that numbs your limbs. Also the people that always seem to forget how to drive when snow and ice are around drive me nuts!


Active Member
It is TOOOOO damned cold, here in Chicago. It had been nice, all last week and over the weekend and the beginning of the week...then, yesterday...25 degrees and snowing! I absolutely, positively despise cold weather!! It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt for the wind.
The thing that kills me is my friend, Amanda, is moving up here in March, from central FL, and cant wait for it to get cold. I, on the other hand, want to move to FL. lol


ugh, tell me about it!!! people also do the same thing in the rain!!! This morning, i was stuck behind some moron doing 40 on the freeway, and the freeway roads were CLEAR... not even a drop of snow on them (we have an army-sized city worker force that plows the roads, because it gets really bad up here)... ugh people make me so mad
i also have scar tissue in my chin b/c of a bike accident when i was little (makes me have the "drew barrimore" effect... ugh), and it freezes in the cold, and feels soooo weird when i talk...


New Member
yep... down here it's while it rains. Forget it. They're either driving wayyyyy too slow, or way too fast. The one I loved was while I was in stopped traffic and some moron shot past everyone on the shoulder, downhill at about 80 (keep in mind this is the typical blinding FLA rain)... his journey came to an abrupt halt when someone pulled out into their turn lane at the top of the next hill.


Active Member
Jenn, up here in Michigan, the current temp is 19 degrees and we now have 7 thats right 7 INCHES OF SNOW!!! YAY!! I love winter...it rules. Well, I love it during December. In January it starts to get all gross, and grey and salty from the trucks, and temps get into the negatives, and well you get the idea. BUT WE HAVE A TON OF SNOW, and I LOOOOVVVEEEE it!


yeah badkarma, i miss those rains sooo much!!! I remember playing in the rain outside all of the time... it was so thick you couldn't even see the house across the street!!!
you know where i'd love to live?? HAWAII!!! I was actually born there, and we went there for our honeymoon, but i was sick for 8 of the 12 days of the cruise... it sucked! i didn't even get to try poi or go to a luau!!!