AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!


Active Member
BTW Jenn, I also am getting "lake effect snow." I live about 15 minutes away from the Lake Michigan coast. Lake Michigan is one of the cleaner lakes, but second largest of the great lakes, so we get a TON of snow. During the summer, it also makes little rainstorms in Chicago HUGE severe thunderstorms by the time it gets here because it picks up steam over the lake. But, I love Michigan. I honestly dont think I could ever live anywhere else.


Active Member
lol, hawaii would be cool, but you know youd miss that snow!!
maybe we should all have a frag christmas party, we can play football out in the snow to, or build a snowman if you prefer


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
mile and a half, holy freak....why you walk that far??? from school? get out the bike
Yeah, I walk that far from school. There is NO WAY I am riding my bike to school, because in the morning when I have to go to school, it is like 10 degrees and FREEZING! Sometimes colder...
Luckily, in the morning my dad doesnt go to work until 8 so he can give me a lift, but I have to walk home...every day...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol, hawaii would be cool, but you know youd miss that snow!!
maybe we should all have a frag christmas party, we can play football out in the snow to, or build a snowman if you prefer
Lets play football in the snow!! I was head QB for my school football team...now the season is over. :(


i had seasickness for the first 3 days of my sickness, and the flu or something for the last 5 days..
and you know what??? When we flew to hawaii (from ohio), you have to go up really really high... it made my feet sweel so bad that i couldn't put shoes on!!! has anyone ever had that problem..
adam, you were the QB??? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??? lmao!!!


Active Member
IT SNOWED IN PHILLY TODAY?????? :mad: :mad: :mad:

rub it in 'cuz it snows, and rub it in 'cuz i'm living in jersey.
I hate everybody. ::sob::


Active Member
sorry to hear that jd....you can send me to hawaii and i'll tell ya how my feet work out.

yes,mr QB...let us play some football, that would be all too wonderful, hopefully ill get to play some this weekend at my family gettogether thing


awe, you don't hate everybody... what about the people in the florida keys who never get snow??? it could be worse!!!


Active Member
i was telling cartman and space geek on another thread (the winter wonderland thread actually) that I had cousins from Israel who were at my parents house during one of those MASSIVE 3 foot blizzards we got in Philly a few years back.
it was the first time 3 out of the 4 kids in the fam had ever seen snow. Coolest thing EVER to share that experience with them.
I mean, can u imagine never having seen the stuff in your LIFE, and then being pounded with three feet and a half closed city??? AWESOME. POSSUM.


that's amazing!!! We came up from florida (when we lived down there) to visit family here in ohio for thanksgiving. We all wanted to see snow, because we hadn't except for two times in our lives, and it didn't even stick to the ground those two times... anyway, it snowed like 3 feet the day AFTER we left!!!! we were all so upset because we didn't even get to see it or play in it...


New Member
your feet swelled up to where you couldn't put on shoes?? Ouch. Sorry to hear! For some reason I was thinking of someone that had a jogging mishap in Hawaii.
I've never had travelled anywhere sick, but I'll tell ya, after living down here for 2 years and going back to Chicago, I immediately got a sinus infection.


oh, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! that was me! but it didn't really happen... i just typed that into that thread to see if people were actually reading it... not many people were!!! hehehehe, i totally forgot about that!!!!!!


lol, my feet did swell up...
a while ago, someone had a thread, and it turned into bad injuries or something, and i told everyone that i was running in hawaii, and i fell off a 50 foot cliff, and broke my collarbone, my femur, both the bones in my arm, and a bunch of other crap... lmao that's the thing that didn't really happen.


Active Member
lol, thats quite a fall to have, thast for sure...lucky you're alive...or are you, as you hubby would maybe say?? :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i had seasickness for the first 3 days of my sickness, and the flu or something for the last 5 days..
and you know what??? When we flew to hawaii (from ohio), you have to go up really really high... it made my feet sweel so bad that i couldn't put shoes on!!! has anyone ever had that problem..
adam, you were the QB??? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??? lmao!!!
How is that not possible? If I had a scanner, I would show u my football picture.


Active Member
I know, I am small, but not tiny. Our running back is TINY TINY and he rocks! But, with all my pads and everything on-I dont look so small. But, I know I am small. Thats okay...when my older brother was my age he looked anorexic and now he is 300 pounds, a little over 6 feet tall, muscular, and a security guard...so who knows??