Ahhhh, the greatness of Twinkies!!!


Active Member
I remember reading somewhere that if the whole world were destroyed by Thermo-Nuclear Radiation, that cockroaches would be the only surviving species...
Then I was thinking "if" they were the only surviving species..who would be around to confirm...??
Then I was thinking "Wait a second...this thread is about Twinkies..!!...What do ---- roaches have to do with Twinkies...??"
Then...the I remembered the "Experiments" ... :joy:
And thought .."Whhat if we took a Twinkie and a Cockroach ....put them in a room and detonated a small thermonuclear device...??? :thinking: "Who would survive...??"
But then i thought..."Is a Twinkie really a species..??"
We should probably throw in some Potatoe Bugs and Mole Crickets as a "Control Group"...
Anybody know where I can get my hands on a small Thermonuclear device..???

my way

Active Member
Ok now someone needs to find out about McDonalds french fries. Did you ever clean your car and find an old one that,s been there forever? It looks exactly the same as it did when you bought it, any other food would be all fuzzy with mold but not the fries. Did you know the onion rings that Burger King sells are made of an edible plastic? I lettered a race car for a guy who owned a food flavoring company who told me about that one. I'm glad I don't eat fast food much Although I can't resist a good Chili-dog and I DON"T want to know what's in them! :thinking:


Originally Posted by Squidd
I remember reading somewhere that if the whole world were destroyed by Thermo-Nuclear Radiation, that cockroaches would be the only surviving species...
Then I was thinking "if" they were the only surviving species..who would be around to confirm...??
Then I was thinking "Wait a second...this thread is about Twinkies..!!...What do ---- roaches have to do with Twinkies...??"
Then...the I remembered the "Experiments" ... :joy:
And thought .."Whhat if we took a Twinkie and a Cockroach ....put them in a room and detonated a small thermonuclear device...??? :thinking: "Who would survive...??"
But then i thought..."Is a Twinkie really a species..??"
We should probably throw in some Potatoe Bugs and Mole Crickets as a "Control Group"...
Anybody know where I can get my hands on a small Thermonuclear device..???
maybe sadaam knows....