AHHHHH! Red Eyed Crab!


We just saw a Red Eyed Crab :scared: hiding in the live rock. It had a dark grey body with RED eyes and we could only see one claw. It was bigger than our blue leg hermit claws, I guess the body would be about a nickle in size. It was using the claw to scrape off a piece of live rock :help: It also hides as soon as it saw any movement. It also moved quite fast. I doubt I could get a pic.
Anyone seen one of these guys? Are they good or bad?


The moon lights are on and it seems to be coming out a little then waits... I saw it grab some algae off the rock and the claw disappeared then it came back for some more salad... interesting... I will give the shrimp a try.


Active Member
Are his pincers pointy ? if they are, it's a predatory crab and not considered reef safe. They will eat your fish. A pic would definitely help us better ID it for you.


Active Member
:scared: I have the same crab!!!! Gun metal grey with fire red eyes. About the size of a quarter in total.
He is SMART--can't get him out of his cozy cave to get a good look at him. I've already decided that once I catch him, he's going directly to the sump. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Smooth body, somewhat flattened like an emerald crab, can't tell if the claws are 'sharp' or not....Have never seen him eat....even after tempting it with shrimp...... Not missing anyone/anything. I 'block' his cave opening at night.


Yes, same type, and it's leg ends are pointed :scared: very shy, overall shape is oval, but wow what a large claw! I saw a hermit scoot by his cave opening and he never took it out. I don't like what I see though. Anyone have any idea's how to trap this dude?


Does the crab have black on the tips of his claws? (If so it could be a gorilla crab which is very bad) As for trapping him, I believe they sell traps for mantis shrimp which I would imagine are as difficult to catch as a crab might be. The best way to catch these is to bury part of it in the sand so that the crab can get in, but can't get out.
Here is a pic of a gorilla crab:


Active Member
Doesn't look like 'my' crab. He's not furry, and his claws aren't that 'sharp'
I want him out of the DT though!


No, mine is not like that either. I talked the dreaded LFS expert and he said that if the claws are not sharp he may not be a preditory crab but an algae grazer
Anyone have more on this?


Caught Him :jumping:
He looks mean, I placed him in the sump for now, my LFS said they will be getting in some Octopus next week and to bring him by and they will feed him to them.
I caught him by grabbing the piece of live rock it was in and gave it a quick flush under the tap and 2 seconds later the crab was in the plastic bowl. Worked slick and quick!
Now I can sleep better...