Ahhhhhh! My tank is dead!

spider crab

I am definately planning on hooking up different pumps/power heads to different circuits. That would have solved this problem at least. Unfornately a hard wired generator is out of the question due to cost. I think those guys are much more expensive than the onse you just hook up temporarily.
I'm planning on looking into X10, which I believe is a computer controlled home automation system. Wonder if it would be possible to have it make a phone call when it detects an issue. Of course if there is no power to the house.... I guess there is no fool proof guarantee short of never leaving the house and having a generator and fresh gas.


I can sy;mpathize with you. I had pretty much the same thing happen last montth when we were gone for a three day weekend. Power went off shortly after we left and although it came back on, for some reason the GFI tripped and the rest is history.
Lost all fish except 2 Green Chromjis. Lost xenias and bubble coral and many inverts.
I did two large water changes (35%) right away and then several 10% changes over athe next few days. Things are all aback to normal now. I check my Amonia, nitrites ansd nitrates daily for two weeks.
I am now strting the process of restocking and have had one major dissappointment which you will find in my Flame Angel Thread.

melissa v.


Originally posted by tangsfornuttin
I was just looking to root through your underwear drawer while you were gone...;)

Who wears underwear?:p
Melissa V.


the only problem with UPS's is that they will only last for a few hours at best and if power outage is longer then its right back to the same situation but it is a good thing to have in those temp power outages .

joey d

Mike, i have to dissagree... if you limit the use of the ups to one or 2 powerheads and maybe 1 filter it will last a long time... my ups (apc 1400) ran my tank... lights heater filter and powerheads for almost 3 hours... lose the lights and the heater it probably would have lasted the whole day... and thats with used batteries over 1 year old...
I am going to do more testing tommorrow.. just running a powerhead and my hot magnum and will let you know the runtime results...


yeah please do but in the situation aboveI dont think it would give enough time. yes they last for a while but not for an extended amount of time. like if the power went out for 3 days the UPS wouldnt have enough to keep it all running 72 hours or more but for a day or less I think it would,


not saying its not if you look towards the top is was actually a suggestion that I threw out. I have one that I just havent hooked in yet got it a few days ago. I just dont know how long it would last and in some cases I dont think it would make much of a difference like a 3 to 4 day outage but yeah anything is better then nothing.


Active Member
I am planning on getting a generator. The great deal I got on my 125 is becuase of hte last big ice storm we had in the KC area. Tank died off (no power for 7 days will do that) and the owner was disgusted ....
Unfornately a hard wired generator is out of the question due to cost. I think those guys are much more expensive than the onse you just hook up temporarily.
Just under $10,000 if you have a large house and have to pay someone to do everything. It is an involved process to install one of these.


Active Member

Originally posted by PhoenixRising
Just under $10,000 if you have a large house and have to pay someone to do everything. It is an involved process to install one of these.

Hmm sounds like hte voice of experience?


Good thing regular generators don't cost that much!!
If they did, I would have to sit there all day with straws running out of every part of my body I could blow air out of :D
Then again this might build up some ammonia as well. :eek:
Hmm sounds like hte voice of experience?
Lucky guess! :D
they had one in this weekend's home depot ad with the automatic switch for $5500... Still - a hell of a lot of money
That price is deceiving. What they don't mention is that you have to dig a footer for it and build a nice level cement pad for it. Then you have to hire heavy equipment to haul the thing into place. You cannot lift it or for that matter even move it one single inch. Then you have to pay someone else to run the propane line into it and secure all the gas fittings. Then you have to hire an electrician to get it all wired correctly. All said and done, you have put out a major sum of money. Especially if you have a large home and outbuildings requiring a large generator.