

Ok, Last night some friends of ours little boy threw two of our remote controls into my sump. I just found them. One of them leaked a lot of blue battery acid into the tank when I pulled it out. I ran out of salt last night so I am about to make a trip to another town to buy some salt and do about a 30 gallon water change. My system has about 120 gallons total.
First question is that enough? I only have 6 5 gallon jugs but can buy somemore if that is not enough.
Second has anyone else had something similer happen? If so did you loose anything.
Third any suggestions as to what else I should do to keep from loosing my reef or fish?


i doubt anyone has ever had a couple of remotes in their tank?? lol... hopefully the water change will help but i doubt it... do u have a reef?


Yikes! Have you checked the pH in your display tank? Maybe it wasn't acid. Do you have anyway to stop the water from going to your big tank? Then you could just take care of the sump.


I would run out and get about 128 oz of carbon going in a cansiter filter if possible, also as many polyfilters as you can, at least one if not two in something even if its a hob filter. Then get another water change going.
Those polyfilters will do wonders!
Thats what I would do.


i read a post that a little child drop in the sump a small plastic car with battery the owner of the tank find his fish die after 2 days and he lost his coral to.(hope it will not happened to you) as thomas said put urgent polyfilters for carbon if you can buy so the Black Diamond Premium Activated Carbon by marineland it's one of the best in the market (i am very happy with) put in a mash bag and put it in your filter.(don't forget first to rains on this r/o water)
since you talk about strange things like that i also read a post that a dog drink water from the sump and die at the next day to.


So far I have done a 25 gallon water change and put a canaster that I had built a few months ago that holds a lot of carbon into the sump pumping the water through it at about 135 Gallons per hour. I also put 4 carbon poly filters in the water baffles between the skimmer and return. I plan on doing another 25 gallon change before I go to bed and another one in the morning. I will keep everyone posted.
I am also going to post to the chemistry thread.


There is only one poly filter, and it takes out a whole bunch of stuff:
Polyfilters remove the following:
Toxic Metals
They also have a new lable/box was it this one?


After that look for them online cause you can save a lot of money buying them online. My LFS charges $10.00 for them. I get them for almost half online. Shop around. I always have some for emergancies. I have 3 right now and purchase 5+ at a time.


Here is one that I used after a massive flatworm die off. Remember they start out pure white.


So far everything is still alive and nothing looks stressed. I did another 8 gallon change this morning. The PH droped from 8.44 to 8.24 overnight. Which actually is good since the PH was a little high to begin with. The Kalk washer is causing the PH to rise.
I am still worred about the copper and rust from the remotes though. Here is what 2 remotes look like in saltwater for 19.5 hrs.

nm reef

Active Member
As Thomas suggested I'd run carbon and poly filters for a while and continue water changes just to be safe.
It is possible that the remotes weren't in there long enough to do any serious damage but I'd rather be safe than sorry.


Originally Posted by kzoo
Hope the kids got a ass wopin. :mad:

i warn the kids not to go close to the tank or to the sump for they safety but i will never touch them because the tank even i will lost everything in there and start to do all over .


Well it has been a week and nothing has died. I think I am over the hump. So here is a run down of what I did.
Day 1-
1. 30 Gallon water change.
2. hooked up a carbon filter that holds aprox 60Oz of carbon. I ran the water through it at a rate of 135 GPH.
3. Put 4 filter cartriges made for a large Penguin filter in the bubble baffles in sump.
Day 2
1. 8 Gallon water change. in morning
2. Evening- another 8 gallon water change
3. apped the "Poly Filter" brand filter to sump return to help filter out any chemicles left in water.