Originally Posted by
Why pay to drive and be disappointed to find that you actually live in a fannie mae hole? Do you actually own a home.. I mean deed in hand not financing? Didn't think so.
Don't be mad because I come from money... I'm more now than you'll ever be.
Seems like you got mad when I pointed out how onesided your opinion was.
u were mad from the git go monkey. i work hard to pay for my home. work is good for u, u should try it. if u came from money that is great, i am working on some wealth so my children can live worry free. i just hope they dont come out arrogant like u. fannie mae hole? u truly are a punk. hope u feel better about trying to make someone else feel bad. ur more than ill ever be? more of a punk than ill ever be. bring it boy!! ill teach u some respect. sounds to me like u were never taught nething about that. also u do not come from money - someone worked hard to bring the money to u. idiot.