Last week a lost a battle to ick. My clownfish had it bad and decided to die. All of our water parameters were fine so the LFS told us it was fine to get another fish. So i agreed. I bought a baby hippo tang which was doing fine for 3 days. Today I woke up and turner my lights on and noticed something horrible. He had tons of white spots and his skin is turning almost clearish(lighting in tone,alot). I freshwater dipped him which didnt do any good. I then treated him with meds and he is still dying by the second. This tank is 6 weeks old with perfect parameters. What the heck did I do wrong???????????????:mad: :confused: :eek: :mad: :( :mad:


Six weeks is still really new. Do you have LR in your tank? If not, I suggest running copper. If you do that, say bye, bye to Ick. Also look into getting a UV Sterilizer.


i wouldn't use copper either because it can stay in the tank for a very long time and if you want to make a reef you will have lots of problems. secondly, your lfs should not have sold you the hippo tang so soon. once your clown died you still had the parasite in the tank an thats why the hippo got it. leave your tank fishless for about four weeks so the ick will not have a host and die out, then you could probably add a fish. good luck and remember slow is better.