Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Splat


I had a jumper yesterday. My Diamond Gobie decided to go carpet swimming. Found him when I got home from work all dried out and stiff.
I have the top of the tank covered with plastic grating. The holes are only about a 12 inch square and he still got out.

I guess I'll be going fish shopping this afternon.
Maybe get a pair of clowns. I was planning on getting them next month anyway.
So my remaining fish are a Flame Angel and Firefish. Does anyone know if these are jumpers? :notsure: I don't want to lose anyone else.


I went to the LFS today and came back with a pair of Perculas and a cleaner shrimp. They're really little guys, less than an inch long. They seem really happy and have already eaten Mysis. They also seem to have put my Flame Angel in his place!
He isn't chasing anybody around anymore and they've taken over the whole tank, swimming everywhere together. :joy:


I had one of my clowns die, and i bought them in pairs, i was going to put one more in there but i was told that the other clown has established dominance and that he would bully the new one. is this true. if so could i put in 3 clowns? or do i gotta sit my nemo down and give him a talk on how to play nice?