Ain't that something?


Okay, so, isn't it the most aggravating thing when you do everything "right" by your tank and you have fish that die or something fails, but then you see someone else who does just about everything wrong, and their tank is (to the eye) thriving?
For example:
We were by-the-book when setting up our tank, we didn't rush, we picked our fish and inverts based on compatability, size, etc. We use RO/DI water, have UV sterlizer and sump, keep very careful watch on parameters, temperature, etc. and we've had four fish die! (Two of unknown reasons, probably "New Tank Syndrome," one jumped, and the other one was beat up by my CBS.)
Then, move over to Nick's office, where the boss has set up a 55-long, and it's (again, to the eye) thriving with the following:
No live sand (just regular sand)
No LR (fake coral- yuck!)
No sump
No nothing, as far as equipment goes
They don't test the parameters
They use well water to top off, etc.
1 Blue Devil Damsel
1 Panther Grouper
1 Achilles Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue-jaw Trigger
1 Fire Clown
Are you KIDDING me? I told Nick that he needs to tell his boss to get rid of all the fish in there with the exception of the damsel and clown but his boss won't hear of it. He doesn't see that the fish are stressed, so he thinks, "Ah, no issue."
The tank has been established for a year (the Damsel has been in there since the beginning) and the other inhabitants have been there for about four months.
Nick does his best to care for them, but he's not often in the office any more...
It makes me so sad everytime I see them because everyone is always hiding and the only two that really jet around are the Achilles Tang and the Yellow Tang.
Once we get our 200+ system, we're going to take the fish away (provided they're still alive!)
Doesn't things like that just grind your gears? :mad:


Active Member
no kidding... I helped a guy set up his tanks in his office, he has a 29 bow and a 55 long. After I got done setting them up and he dumped in hundreds of dollars worth of fish and corals, only to have them start dieing. I told him why and he just didn't beleive me. I have run a succesful reef for more than 8 years now. I finally let him run the show, I no longer clean his tanks, or help him with livestock selections. At last count the 29 wasn't to overstocked (joke), 2 clowns, 2 chromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 large engineer goby, 1 coral beauty angel. Now what kills me is the 55... I powder blue, i x-large squirrel fish, 2 clowns, 1 dwarf angel, 5 chromis, 1 hawfish, 1 anthias, 1 purple tang and a few others I can't remember. Now keep in mind this guy does a once a month water change, he over feeds, and has a fully stocked reef as well. Now this guy is a friend, and a member of our club we have locally, and no matter what he reads or what we say he still keeps on, since it is working for him...


Active Member
Whats truly amazing is that the Achilles Tang has survived as long as you say...I want one but from my understanding they are very hard to keep...


Active Member
I had the same problem... I do everything right and still lost fish.. vitamins... let was mix for 48hrs and feed a varied diet.
I know someone else who uses freshwater fish flakes and uses regular tap water not declorinated and feeds the fish twice a week and does water changes maybe every 2 months and the fish do great... I get so mad when I spend all this money and time and it wont go right!


Don't feel too bad -- eventually, all those people will be suffering a nasty, fish-killing swamp while your basking in the joyous rays of beautiful tank-dom. No worries.


Active Member
Originally Posted by katiev
Don't feel too bad -- eventually, all those people will be suffering a nasty, fish-killing swamp while your basking in the joyous rays of beautiful tank-dom. No worries.

Not so, to some people they are just fish.
If they die who cares, just buy new ones. Your day of vindication will never come since they see no faliure in replacing livestock every few weeks. The tanks are for drawing in the crowds, not personal pleasure.
I can think of a few choice 200+ tanks thats are death pits, but to ANYONE outside the hobby they just say "OOOOOHHH they have such a great tank."
Frustrating only if you let it get to you, worry about things you can conrol and I am happy to hear you are one that takes care of your tank.