hi again of the live rocks i'm curing for my son has, I'm assuming aiptaisia, I say assuming because every picture I've seen of aiptisia is kind of brown..Well these are very clear..they almost look like a feather duster type worm or something..of course I don't have a camera yet..(it's coming).. only reason I think aiptaisia is because of how many there are..must be hundreds on one rock..the tentacles are not long and stringy instead they open up almost flat as well instead of more tree like if you know what I'm trying to any rate I will try and get a picture up this weekend maybe and see if you guys know for sure before I start trying to get rid of them before I put them in his main tank. and will joes juice work or what is this Kallwasar or something like that..and will all these solutions kill all the(what I know are) small feather dusters also...thanks again :notsure: