

What is aiptasa and how do you get rid of it. I bought some new live rock Saturday and when I got it home and had it curing in a bucket.... I noticed that it has one polyp of aiptasa on it.
How do you get rid of it...
and actually..... what is it??


1 teaspoon mrs wages pickling lime 2 tablespoons tap water heat in microwave 40 seconds let cool get a syringe from ink refill kit. Then shoot a tiny bit on it.
Works great


mt pepemint shrimp ate my smaller one but for the larger one im going to have to get some joe juice......or the shrimp may just not have found it yet.


I found camel shrimp eat them too.
The small ones were the first ones to go, but eventually the shrimp got them all.
He also got my q-tip sponge...


New Member
If you want to get rid of Aptasia fast, easy and chaep, get some Joe's Juice. It runs around $7 - $8 that will last a LONG time. It is easy to use and works great. I even read one review of it where they treated Aptasia on a rock that had yellow polyps all around and not a single ployp was lost.
The best thing about it is that you apply it directly to the Aptasia, not the whole tank.
I used to get rid of some in my tank that I picked up on some stuff from a local coral shop. Worked first time and no issues.