aiptasia.. i think


New Member
hey guys band new to this forum. seemed like a good place for good advice, so i have a small 20 gallon tank its been up for awhile now and last week i noticed what look a tiny brown pencil eraser looking thing on the sand just lying there. i didn't think much of it untill i fed my fish. i fed my tiger jawfish and randalls goby live brine then left when i came back it was stuck to the bottom of a piece of live rock, then when i touch it it retracted back into a little crevice and spit out pieces of brine shrimp. is it aiptasia?


Well-Known Member
A pic would be nice? Maybe a better description and full detail? Maybe post a pic of something that looks similar?


Active Member
hmmm .. that could be a mojano anemone. They don't spread as fast as aiptasia but still a pest. Wait for more replies though.

bang guy

Doesn't look like Aiptasia nor Mojano to me. Are you talking about the small polyp looking thing in the substrate?


Active Member
Never mind now that i see the scale of the pic it probably isn't mojano i was looking at.


New Member
The little polyp on the left the one on the right is my anemone. And he's about 2" in diameter so that thing On the left is pretty small


New Member

any closer pics? it's def. not aiptasia...

Ok haha thanks I was getting worried but I'll post a picture as soon as I can. But should I dig it out of the substrate or let it grow to see what it is?