Aiptasia in my clam!? Help.



Is it attatched? I'd like to see a pic of that, it would be an unusuall one to share with everyone.
I'm no clam expert, but I wonder if the clam will absorb it or mucate around it. Don't bother looking up mucate I just invented it. Any chance of getting some aquarium needle like tongs around it to grab it?


Maybe it is not as cool as you think. The aiptasia is on the upper inner edge by the mantel not on directly inside. Am I wrong to think that the aiptasia is going to sting the clam?

yosemite sam

Active Member
The LFS here had a few clams come in a while back that had a few aiptasia on them. They didn't seem to bother the clams at all, and the owner just picked them off.


Active Member
Just curious, but if he/she picked this off the clam wouldn't a part of the footing most likey remain and therefore regrow, just like if you did the same thing to a peice of LR?