aiptasia in sand bed


I found a one very small aiptasia growing in my sand bed. I want to get it out tonight. Can I just pluck it out with a tweezer or do I run the risk of not getting it all and having it spread? I have some lemon juice I can squirt it with. Which way should I dispose of it?


I would say squirt it, and then pull it out. But if it is loose in you sand bed I think it would come out rather easily.


Active Member
gently scoop it and some of the surrounding sand out with a small container, so as not to damage it causing fragmentation. easy pickings in the sand.


Active Member
Just use a turkey baster if you have one and suck it up, very simple and quick. Make sure once you get it to turn the turkey baster up towards the top, so the little bugger doesn't come back out of the tube when the water pressure equalizes. A couple of different ways to go about it.


Those are all good advise. I decided to use reefkprZ method. It was easy as pie. He was attached to a very small piece of crushed coral buried in my sand bed. I knew that the crushed coral would have some good use.

Thanks all!
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
gently scoop it and some of the surrounding sand out with a small container, so as not to damage it causing fragmentation. easy pickings in the sand.


Active Member
I have used lemon juice many times on ones that came in on coral or LR with great success, I usually do this in tank if I cant get the rock out. I do it out of tank if possible, but your alkalinity will quickly neutralize the citric acid as it mixes with your water, after that its just organics.


Use peppermint shrimp or Goldenband butterfly. Three weeks ago, I had a least 50-75 aptasia growing in my 75 gal tank. Joe's Juice did a nice job on the larger aptasia. But once I purchased 3 peppermint shrimp and butterfly fish I have 0 apatasia in my tank today.