Aiptasia? or Something else


New Member

I was told that this was an aiptasia, but when i look at pictures of them online they don't look like this guy. Can I get a verdict?


I would like to say looks like a cup coral to me have a few myself, I believe they are non-photosynthetic and eat what ever they can get. sometimes I will hand feed them pellets or squirt frozen brine right at them they seem to love it. They came as hitchhikers they are very different then aptasia, these have a hard skeleton base they will retract into if scared!!!


Take somthing and touch it. If it goes completely back into the rock it is most likely aptasia. If it does not it probably isn't.


Active Member
Dugger is right. I am pretty sure they are from the Caryophylliidae family, Paracyathus Stearnsi or Balanophyllia Elegans(Carribean Cup coral), similar to a sun coral or a dendro. Most that I have seen have been either clear or brownish in color. They are more like a solitary hard coral than an anenome(don't know why they are called this sometimes).No real special care, they will catch food with their tenticles, I don't think they contain zooxanthellae(not sure on this), so they should be fed zooplankton and meaty type foods if you want them to thrive, not just hang on. I wish I had them in my current tank, have had them years ago.