Aiptasia Outbreak

Hi guys,
what's the best remedy to kill these pesky "weeds"?
Pepermint shrimps? nudibranches?
We've got a reef tank with LRs and one percula clown and its coral...


Peppermint shrimp usually do the trick,,I would at least get 3 or so, if you have ALOT...maybe even a few more..
They will have it cleaned up in no time...
~Susie ;)


Peppermint Shrimp will do the trick but you have to get enough to take care of the problem.

algea eater

try using a product called stop aptasia by chem-marine.heard that it kills them within 12-24 hours and its reef safe.


All you need is 1 peppermint shrimp. Buy a small one too. The younger ones will have a stronger natural instinct to hunt aiptasia because they have not become accustomed to regular feedings. Follow this, and the aiptasia will be gone in 2 weeks.
HI guys,
Thanks for your inputs. So peppermint shrimps will do the trick . Are they safe for other corals? I have a reef tank set-up.
Please reply. :)


well lot of sources said
"they are reef safe"
but I think it is hit or miss, just like emerald crab
I had a pepermint shrimp ate my mushrooms.
there are few ways that can control aptisia
1. Perpermint shrimps (like most of us recommend)
2. Copper Band ButterFly (like anthem recommend) seen you only have 55 G tank, I would not suggest use copper band butterfly
3. LimeJuice + water (this has been succesfully tested) this trick also remove thick layer of green hair algea
Method #3 from GARF site

Prepare stock solution
1. 1 tsp. pickling lime - food grade calcium hydroxide
2. 2 tbls. tap water.
boil water and lime in microwave for 40 sec.
keep closed plastic container in cool place.
You will need a vet syringe from a pet store that sells vaccinations
This mixture comes out of the needle very thick. You do not need to inject the Aiptasia.
Just release a small amount on to the aiptasia and it will take it in. This mixture seems to stick to the
anemone, but it does not stick to the other inverts. We also use this mixture on problem hair algae.
We have killed 20 or 30 at a time in 55 gallon reefs and it did not hurt anything
I'm currently have pepermint shrimp to control aiptasia in my tank. One is in a 75 G tank. One is in 55 G tank.
I saw few aiptasias in both of my tanks b4. Only take 1 week for the shrimps to remove them.
i did use kalkwasser, but now i have peppermint shrimp and i like it alot better instead of injecting straight kalk in my tank
Be careful adding any chemicals to your system. I prefer natural control methods. I just put 1 peppermint shrimp in my reef setup and he did the job. Has not bothered anything else. Haven't seen any more aptasia so I guess he is keeping it under control. Highly recommend this solution, works today and tomorrow.
Hi guys,
I forgot to mention that I have a cleaner shrimp in my tank. I wonder if they (cleaner & peppermint) fight or are they territorial?
Please advise.

tru conch

Active Member
my peppermints have been slaying the antispa in my 29. thats just my own personal experience with them.
kravis, antispa look like small anemones, usually brown/gray in color, but there are several types though. hth


My LFS sold me a 1lb live rock with them just covering it. I would say there were 25 atleast. He told me they were anenamones, and charged me 35$ for the darn thing. (LEASON LEARNED). Anyway I bought 6 peppermint shrimp because by the time I found out it was aptasia it was all over my tank. In about a week the aptasia was completely gone. They really worked for me. :)


New Member
I was reading this thread and am curious what this weed looks like. Trying to determine if I have it in my tank.

richard rendos

Active Member
Peppermint shrimp! They really do work. I had a few in my 54 gallon tank. Bought 4 peps and now the aiptasia are gone. I do tank maintenance for a guy that has a 300 gallon reef (beautiful tank/pain to keep clean (takes an hour and a half to clean front glass)) and he had hundreds of aiptasia. I got him a dozen peps and 2 months later he has 13 that I could see. The peps are aiptasia eating machines.
I've already got my peppermint shrimp. He's small and I coudn't find him during the daytime. Are they nocturnal? How long will it start on munching the aiptasias?


I have found that my peppermints are nocturnal. They hide durring the day. They went right to work on the aptasia. In less than a week all of it was gone. Then they destroyed my ricordia polyps. They'll be going back to the LFS as soon as I have time to tear everything down to catch them.


Active Member
peppermont shrimp OFTEN do work, but not always, e had some and they preferred our feather dusters to our aptaisia problem, so like mentioned they may help and they may be reef safe, butthe key word there is MAY in both instances, berghia on the other hand, will not eat anything BUT aptaisia, and kalk injection is easy and works well, that is what i finally wound up using(after trying ot get rid of our destructive shrimp)
also claners and peppermints normally do not have a problem cohabitating, in fact, i have not ever heard of any problems at all wiht them living together, not from anyone
just make sureit is peppermint and not camel back which some often(even lfs's) do confuse
HTH and good luck