Aiptasia problem in eel tank

salt life

Active Member
Hey everyone,
So the tank i have is the 75g with the Chainlink Moray and the Spotted Moray, Ive been having an Aiptasia problem for a while and haven't done anything about it because im not sure what to do..
The LFS told me that peppermint shrimp would get eaten by my eels and they recommended a copperband butterfly but i wasn't up for that because i heard they are hard to care for and i don't want to put it in my tank with 2 agressive eels.
What should I do?
Thanks for the help

salt life

Active Member
thanks for the response, someone recommended aiptasia-x so i just wanted to make sure someone else recommended it before i go get it.


Active Member
I had the same problem in my DME tank and I was hesitant to add any chemicals so I tried 10-12 pepp shrimp and I didn't see them do ANYTHING but hide.
So finally I added a CBB and he cleaned the tank within 2 weeks, none have come back. And believe it or not my DME never tried to eat him. Which is why I trusted him with a new Kole Tang to try to clean up some hair algae, but he ate him within minutes of being in the tank. Go figure.
My vote is adding chemicals is never good, go natural. After he was done I returned him to the store and have had none since.


Active Member
you aught to find out if there is a place to collect peps locally. That way you aren't dropping $$ on a shrimp. I know we can get them out of galveston. I think they range over to florida too.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I just replied back in your other thread. keep your eel's fed and you should be okay with a decent sized CBB and then like harley said you can return it.

salt life

Active Member
CBB are expensive where I go and they will only give me store credit and half of what I paid for it.. And I don't have a QT and the reason I got rid of my lionfish problem was because of an ick out break so I got rid of my lionfish and waiting a month and started with eels, I would hate to add a fish and the ick comes back...


Active Member
try AiptasiaX its made my red sea. While im not a fan of red sea products, AiptasiaX is a great product that really works. A couple of frag plugs I got in trades and purchase had aiptasia on them and started to spread to other rocks. Purchased this stuff from a depot and within minutes of covering the mouths they deflate and die. The only thing I would recommend is to have a turkey baster when you do it. IMO you want to suck out the dead aiptasia. I was using joes juice and while that works it seems to cause them to spread.

salt life

Active Member
Thanks SharkBait, alot of people are recommending the aiptasiaX so I think im gonna try that so I don't have to risk putting a fish in..Will it mess up my water params?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
A little boiling RO water will do the trick. Kalkwasser paste will do nicely as well
I have tried all these tricks. they do seem to kill the target but i could never figure out why i would kill a couple then 4-6 months later a load more show up. After reading about them, it seems that when stressed they release babys or seeds

Since i have have using the aipstasiax it really has put an end to the spread. I do really think anyone who uses it should have a baster with them to suck it after it pops. The stuff works great. I had my doubts but after seeing my self i will say it does what it says it will.

don trinko

The most knowledable sw empoyee of our LFS said that pepermint shrimp will eat the little apitasia but not the big ones thus they will limit the spread but normaly will not competely eliminate them. Don T.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by firefish_48
Why are you worried about aiptasia in your tank they won't eat your eels.
...... cause they are ugly and I'd rather them not take over my tank...?
That was a joke question/statement, right?..?


Active Member
Originally Posted by firefish_48
Why are you worried about aiptasia in your tank they won't eat your eels.
Aiptasia in an aggressive tank will explode in population and cover every square inch of rock and glass if left unchecked. While aiptasia won't kill an eel they can sting them and they don't particulaly like it and may cause the eel to be stressed which will reduce its lifespan.
I'm not sure what the ingrediants are in aiptasia X, but Joes juice is nothing but kalkwasser paste which can be made with pickling lime and boiling saltwater. I have had excellent results with the kalk paste, I have literally killed thousands of aiptasia with kalk paste. I had about 50lbs of LR that was completely covered in aiptasia along with the glass and much of the sandbed and was able to reduce it to almost nothing, currently have 30-40 left in areas that are difficult to reach but I am slowly getting ahead of them.

salt life

Active Member
Finally found a store who carries Aiptasia-X and so far it is looking awesome, they think it is food and they close their tentacle around the syringe and they start to shrink and their tentacle get smaller, does this mean it is working?