Aiptasia problem.


Hi guys,
I have my biocube 14g for half a year. everything goes well except the Aiptasias come out again. When I bought the LR, there are some ones there and I used the aiptasia control to destroy them. they totally went away for a while. These days, I find 5 or 6 small ones again. I don't know should I use the aiptasia control again. Could I completely get rid of it? If I just let it there, will it cause problems?
Thank you.


Active Member
Boiling ro/di water and using it in a syringe has worked great for me. Boil some water,suck it into syringe, This is the key part --->..SLOWLY squirt water on pest.(this should be over the course of 15-20 seconds) pest will die,never to return again. This technique works because you are literally cooking the pest in boiling water leaving nothing behind to grow back. You also dont have to worry about you calcium levels like other methods people use.


Active Member should treat them again....try Aiptasia X....I've heard nothing but good things about that!!
If you leave them alone, they will grow out-of-control. They will begin to sting other things in the tank and basically take over the tank.


Originally Posted by ifirefight
Boiling ro/di water and using it in a syringe has worked great for me. Boil some water,suck it into syringe, This is the key part --->..SLOWLY squirt water on pest.(this should be over the course of 15-20 seconds) pest will die,never to return again. This technique works because you are literally cooking the pest in boiling water leaving nothing behind to grow back. You also dont have to worry about you calcium levels like other methods people use.
If it's close to some coral, will the method hurt coral?


Whichever method you choose, you should also add some peppermint shrimp. They will keep the aiptasia from growing back.


Originally Posted by louti
Whichever method you choose, you should also add some peppermint shrimp. They will keep the aiptasia from growing back.
But I heard about the peppermint shrimp may eat yellow polyps and soft corals.
Is that true?


Had many years of dealing with aiptasia. The only thing that works is pepperment shrimp, make sure you do not get camel shrimp instead as they look very similar and some dealers will send them instead. Do not feed the pepperment shrimp for about three days so they eat the aiptasia. Also you can't have any Hawk fish or dotty backs as they will eat them asap. Joe's juice did not work they just came back, even if I used sm amount each week to slowly reduce the numbers and I really did not have that many aptasia. Hot water, vinger, kalkawser nothing keeps them at bay. Pepperment shrimp have completely rid my tanks of aiptasia many times.


Oh yea they have never eaten any of my soft corals or sps. They are pig though and will steal food from just about everything.


if you go to your local feed store or vet you should be able to get a needle (or you could go to the needle exchange) then inject the apt instead of just putting what ever your using on it, I use vinegar