aiptasia treatment gone bad


New Member
My tank (54 gal. 4 mo. reef half full of rock)has a acropora 5in., that has aiptasia anemones around the base. Buddy of mine told me to use regular lemon juice concentrate in a syringe. My acro shows signs of being burnt,lost my red tile starfish and red mushrooms are wilting. the ammonia is a little high but being treated. Is there a bigger problem from the lemon juice's acidity than i'm not seeing.


Active Member
I have used lemon juice in the past with success and no damage to others in the reef. It was a larger tank, 180g. I made sure I used as little as needed. I cant say if it is why your haveing the problems or not. Of course, too much can be just that with anything.


Active Member
Sorry about your lose
Have you tried Joe's Juice? I get it from my lfs. It works great. It's some kind of chaly substance you just squirt it into the mouth of the aptasia with the siringe that comes with(turn you water pumps etc, off first) and presto more aptasia!


try to find large pepermint shrimp they will eat aptasia. dont feed tank for awhile if they dont. rember its easy to take food that falls right in front of you than to hunt your own. joes juice works just make sure pumps are off as it will kill corals it contacts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hemicj
try to find large pepermint shrimp they will eat aptasia. dont feed tank for awhile if they dont. rember its easy to take food that falls right in front of you than to hunt your own. joes juice works just make sure pumps are off as it will kill corals it contacts.
Yes!what hemic said, turn those pumps OFF if you use Joe's juice!


Active Member
i had a huge outbreak of aiptasia last yr in my 125 i tried joes juice but while squirting aiptasia a snail got to close and bubbled it right out of its shell it reminded me of the elementary science of peroxide and baking soda..i purchased peppermint shrimp but those were eaten right away then i tried the copperband butterfly but that too was eaten by my brittle star then i purchased a pearlescale butterfly and have not had any aiptasia in his tank whatso ever..also a silver scat in my agressive tank which has never had aiptasia 5 yrs running


I make my own Aptasia killer. I have tried everything.....boiling water...joes juice....I even pulled the rocks out of the tank and abliterated them with Joes juice and still did not kill them. They came back in a week!
I take a half a TSP of Kent Kalk and mix with 4 -6 drops of R/O water....then mix. It should be thick. Place it in the syrenge and squirt right on the mouth. A nice couple of blobs will kill it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Joshd123
got a pic of the pearlescale butterfly ?
hes the black white and yellow guy under my hippo