Aiptasia, what do I do next?


Yeah, I've bought 8 peppermint shrimp the first go, all were dead by day 2 (only 1 survived to past day 1). Then I bought 5 and all died after day 1 except 1 of them which died this morning (day 2).
Any way, I just went through one bottle of Joe's Juice. The wife helped me with the application and WOW what a difference!!!!
All of the larger and medium sized ones are gone and so are many of the smaller ones. There are still so many tiny ones, but all I can do is wait for them to grow a bit and hit them when I can see them. But with one bottle of Joe's Juice and the tank looks amazing!

Thanks for recommending this awesome product. I just hope the excess that's all over the place doesn't spike something in the water. I'll test it all tonight and do a water change if necessary.


Originally Posted by fish4ever
Do you have room for a Copper Banded Butterfly in there? I have heard those fish are an exellent remover of pest anemones.
Boy if he gets one of them it might blow up if it feeds on his tank.Good luck i thought i had a bad break out mine was about half of that.


Yeah, mine gave new meaning to the word "infestation", but after 3 hours of carefully applying Joe's Juice, we've gotten most of the easily visible ones and many of the tiny ones. I'll give the smaller ones another whack tomorrow, but it's tiring....but so worth it! I wonder if the serious infestation was the cause of my peppermint shrimp dying..
Oniel, will get some pics up soon.