Aiptasia...why so bad?


Yup going to get 2 more peppermint cause I have way too many aip's for 1 to take care of!! aaahhhh! tried some stuff other than joe;s cause LFS didn't have any and let's just say it made them look dead for 12 hours and then they came back so we have been pulling a few off here and there with tweezers and it seems to be working! But I did notice my tang flying around the tank like a nut cause he was getting stung! I feel bad! trying my best to get them outta there!


Active Member
My tank had 1000s of aiptasia in it and never saw any signs that the fish were being stung. Tangs generally will rocket around your tank its in their nature.
Pulling them off with tweezers
be prepared for a serious outbreak in a few weeks aiptasia have the ability to regenerate from very small pieces and if you didn't remove all of the anemone each tiny piece will turn into a new anemone. Trauma also seems to trigger something in them and they will start to reproduce like crazy. Your best bet is to order some Joe's juice from their site and treat them or mix up your own kalkwasser solution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bird Dog
Way too much work a Copperband will do it 4 you

I wish a copperband could go in a 10g.
I got some on my clam in my 10g. Bought a Peppermint shrimp but don't see it half the time. May try to get another.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
Thats a great explaination. I didn't really ever think about it that way but its a good way of putting it. I guess that is why I am not a big xenia fan, I just think that they take over and start to look "trashy" if you don't keep on top of it.

My xenia hardly grows in my tank and its in a 8 gallon biocube.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by T316
My new friend is Joe's Juice. I have killed hundreds of aptasia lately. But what I wasn't told was that xenia hates it too. I wouldn't say it's dead, but a few xenia heads have curled up real tight and appear very hesitant to come back out. So if you are trying to get to both, there you go

Hay pal from what I have read and for what its worth if viable (have I covered my a_s) hypo will also kill the aptasia anemone


Active Member
Gotta love the aiptasia posts, LOL.
Peppermint shrimp WILL eat them as long as you have the correct ones. Lysmata Wurdemani, have well defined horizontal and vertical stripes. Lysmata Rathbunae look like L W, BUT THEY HAVE BLACK TAILS!! The end of the tail is black that is. The Rathbunae, you will be lucky if you EVER see touch an aiptasia.
What squirting the things with chemicals does, is not the chemicals fault. Once again, LOL, (just messin around), aiptasia form what I believe are called PETALS at the base of them. You squirt the aiptasia and it covers up the petals so they fly off later and create 14 more. But the aiptasia does die that you originally squirted.
Copperbands shouldn't even be brought into captivity. If you are one of the people that made it past the 25% success rate, congrats. But these fish are just way to delicate. I rank them up there with sweetlips.


Active Member
What squirting the things with chemicals does, is not the chemicals fault. Once again, LOL, (just messin around), aiptasia form what I believe are called PETALS at the base of them. You squirt the aiptasia and it covers up the petals so they fly off later and create 14 more. But the aiptasia does die that you originally squirted.
Yep gotta love um same info posted over and over and most of it based on nothing but rumors or just flat fiction. Based on your info expain this tank and keep in mind that the new rock in this tank was covered also which was hundreds if not thousands more before treatment began. There are still a few floating around that are in impossible to reach areas which are what the peppermints are for and I still treat with Joe's juice once a month or so to get rid of some of the ones that migrate out to where I can reach them.
1 year ago

About 3 months after treatment began which was about 3 months ago


Active Member
Originally Posted by natclanwy
...............which are what the peppermints are for and I still treat with Joe's juice once a month or so to get rid of some of the ones that migrate out to where I can reach them

There ya go.
All I am saying, is that the RIGHT peppermint shrimp WILL eat aiptasia. And what chemicals do a majority of the time. Chemicals WILL kill the HECK out of the living ones though.