

I used white vinegar and a needle syringe. Took me about an hour, and I haven't had any problems since. I just couldn't see spending $10 on Joe's Juice when I already had vinegar in the kitchen cabinet.


Active Member
Or you could just get a peppermint shrimp or two. They do a great job at eating aiptasia.


Active Member
And they aren't eating the aiptasia? I'm surprised. I put two in there to get rid of a few, including a large one, and they devoured them.


Active Member
I have been fortunate not to have many. The few I have had I have removed by taking the rock they are on out of the water. Then put the rock in a bucket of tank water. Make sure the aiptasia are at the top of the rock as you place it in the bucket. Adjust the water level so the the rock is submerged as high as it can be while keeping the aip out of the water. Then dump salt (that you would put in your tank) on top of the aiptasia. Let them sit there for about 10 minutes. This is a guaranteed way to kill them with no side affects since you are just using salt. You wouldn't need to put the rock in tank water while you do it, if you don't think you have anything on the rock that would die off that quickly.


Active Member
just to clarify on the method I described, i don't mean sprinkle the salt, i mean mound the salt on top of them.
yup, that's aiptasia.


Active Member
I found two of them on my rock since I don't really have corals yet in my tank I'm gonna take those rock out and kill them myself using vingar.



And the super glue did not do anything to the other fish in your tank??
I probably will not do it that way. I am going to see if my peppermint shrimp will do the job for me.


Active Member
Superglue is completely safe for aquarium use. In some ways it is ideal because it cures when it is exposed to moisture, not when exposed to air, so it will cure underwater. It is most commonly used to attach coral frags to rocks.


OH wow thank did not know that
I hope you are not joking because the first time I need to do something like that I do not want everything dying on me


Active Member
When it comes time that you need to use it, do a search on this website for superglueing and you'll find plenty of info on how to do it. Superglue gel works best.