

if you bought a coral which had an aptasia on it what would happen? ive on;y seen 1 of these in my tank in the 2.5 years iv been doing this. well i bought a coral from the lfs today for only 10 bucks because it was dying. however when i got it home it has 2 little aptasias on it. if i have good water quality will they die or should i go ahead and buy the peppermint shrimps to get rid of them. (dont believe in the joes juice). any help is appreciated!


Active Member
they wont just die, pepermint shrimp wont deff. eat the aptasia , you best bet is to get some joes juice


I had 3 aipiasia and purchased a peppermint shrimp. He dispatched of them very quickly. I have a small 12 G nano tank so I was afraid to try Joe's Juice is such a small tank.


Active Member
Try the shrimp. It works great for me. If they do not eat the aiptasia, get a few more. Trust me they will eat it. I also found if you feed the tank and the shrimp get a chance to eat, they will not touch the aiptasia.
There has to be a balance between: # of pepps - amount of food available - how much aiptasia. :thinking:


great! thanks for all the replys! will get some peppermint shrimp! was hoping the the good water quality that i have they would not be able to survive.
thanks for the replies am3gross