


looks like a type of tubeworm similar to the common featherduster


Thank you all for the replies. I am very happy it's not Aiptasia! Think they may be a featherduster? I can kind of see how they resemble the vermetid snails you posted. They seem to be spreading and popping up all about. We feed the tank a small amount of cyclop-eze and you can see they are translucent and then turn red as they grab and eat the cyclop-eze from the water column.


Originally Posted by TexasMetal
I say Hyrdroids.
It's interesting you would say that. We had A LOT of hyrdroids in the begining floating about the tank. Google search for hydroids seems to return more of a feather duster looking stalks (as in the hairs all poke out of the end of a stalk) whereas these guys have tiny hairs all over the stalk themselves.
I appreciate the suggestion. I'll definitely keep researching everything posted here to see if I can find a similar match.


Active Member
There are A LOT of different kinds of hydroids. Like thousands...
Check out Pennaria disticha. Kind of similar. There are a lot that grow like feathers. Long stalk with hair-like appendages along the sides of the stalk.
Some kind of colonial hydroid though. I'd put money on it.