


Well, you can use the real stuff from teh LFS called kalkawasser, but for this its just as good and alot cheaper to use mrs wages pickling lime. Same stuff for the most part.
you get it from the local grocery store. mix it to a paste like consistency, move the rock you are working with to a bucket or soem other container to work with so yuo dont jack up the PH in your display tank and also when aiptasia are injured they release thier eggs out thier mouth that will spread all over whatever container you are working in.
put the paste in a medical type shot applicator and bring it down next to the aiptasia, let it feel it on its tenticles for a second and it will think its food. then spray it in the mouth and cover the entire flat area around its mouth. Let it sit for a half our or better and then suck it out with a turkey baster and dispose of it.


I have a peppermint that isnt touching it either. I dont know if he is from california or the caribean which may be the problem. the oens from cali dont eat aiptasia. you want Lysmata wurdemanni.
im treating my rocks one by one with the paste and letting them sit in the same container i treated them in overnight and then moving them to a 10 gallon tank that will have nothing but saltwater, rock and the peppermint shrimp. Im hoping that he will be a security blanket and if he has nothing else to eat he can get the really really small ones I may miss.


I will look out for that later today but I'm guessing that you being in Alaska they may not have the same brand down here. Am i just looking for a pickling lime? If so then i assume that they will be generic and fairly similar. I have been told to use some Sodium Hydroxide which is tank safe but adds to the Salt the rest is just hydrogen and oxygen so that is safe too. I will have a look for what you said and let you know how i get on. I have a 10 gal tank i can take the rocks out and exterminate in!
Thanks, Ali


No, you are looking for Mrs Wages pickling lime. I beleive that it is sodium hydroxide. Mrs wages apparently has the purest stuff out there which is why its reccomended by reefers.
Aiptasia-X is basically the same thing except its allready ready to go. The one thing i like about aiptasia X is that it has a really nice applicator with a curved and a straight needle. What I dont like about it is the price tag. 15-20 bucks for a small amount when you can make your own from kalkwasser or pickling lime.
you can make enough with a 4 dollar jar of Mrs Wages to kill a small army
Trust me on the latter :)


Ok well its on the list for tomorrow! thats the problem, i don't fancy paying that much for something that won't do the job.
Thanks, Ali


Originally Posted by ali19
Ok well its on the list for tomorrow! thats the problem, i don't fancy paying that much for something that won't do the job.
Thanks, Ali
Make sure to turn off all powerheads and filters creating water movement before using Aiptasia X. I have used it and it worked great. It will also last forever. I used such a small amount for the job I had to do, I don't think I will ever run out.


I will, i had already thought to do that but i think i may just end up removing the rock and treating it separately so i can avoid any contamination, Thanks


if the rock isnt built into a serious reef system its always best to remove it and treat it since they can blow thier spores out if you miss. They think its food though so its pretty hard to miss. And if they back into thier hole just cover the hole over with paste and suck out with a turkey baster in 45 mins.


I went to my LFS and the guy gave me some Aiptasia X, it was an open bottle and he said i could keep it so as far as freebies go i think it was a good one! so i have been massacreing them all!!


sweet. keep the applicator. you can use it witht he other stuff if you run out :)