

I just got a few pieces of live rock from the lfs and they have little brown anenomes on them as well as some green algae and bubble algae. I want to kill everything on the rock except the coraline algae. How do i go about this as safe as possible? and will it hurt my lr?


Active Member
uh peppermint shrimp for the aptasia, emeralds crabs for the bubble algae, and a mex turbo snail for the hair algae.....


Active Member
So long as you check your water first. Get it tested. If it checks out ok then go ahead and add one


Try using a syringe (without a needle) of boiling hot water right on them. Worked great for me, My turbo snails ate a few also.
you can also use a syringe with a needle and use a very small amount of lemon juice stick it directly in the anemone inject it and wait a minute to pull it out if you have multiple aiptasia just wait a couple of days then do another i got rid of around tenn like that no effect on anything else


can someone post a pic of aiptasia? I have 4 anemones on my ock, curious if thats what they are? Also, why would you want to kill them?


Active Member
If your the type that like to watch snails melt. You can inject them with vinegar.
why would you do this? can i inject muriatic acid in you and wath you squirm?
jjgomillion: Aptasia has a tendency to sting corals and fish. It kind of looks ugly as well. Just one of those SW pests.


:eek: peppermint shrimp are awsome at getting rid of it. i put a couple in and about 2 days later it was all gone!


Jillian Ayers: is that an older one? Mine has clear tentacles with white spots on them. And the base looks like it is just part of the rock. Is that what mine is? I wish i had a pic to show you, but i havn't bought a DC yet. Thank you guys!
I'm not sure, it's not from my tank since I don't have a sw tank yet (work at mcD's, this is gonna be awhile :D ). It would be quite pretty if it wasn't so dangerous to your tank, IMHO.