

I went to a DIFFERENT LFS today and I saw that the live rock he had for sale had a lot of LIFE on compared to the other LFS I had been going to before. I said that I would like one peice in particular b/c it had these little anemone (sp) on it. Now, after looking at other forum posts, I believe it was Aiptasia !!! Here is a digital pic, everyone... tell me what you think!
By the way, IF it IS Aiptasia, I will return the LR as I think the LFS owner should've told me that these things are called "plagues", "wolf in sheep's clothing", etc...
I don't think I'll ask for a trade (as his other LR may have these things on it). I may ask him for store credit or something
i have them in my tank and as they get to where i can get to them i just use boiling water and a surange. they explode.
its kinda cool looking in a wierd sort of way.



Originally posted by blu choo choo
they explode.
its kinda cool looking in a wierd sort of way.

i can't help but laugh in a strange wierd deep dark way like boris karloff on that remark..