I did speak to my LFS guy today, and he was pretty sure it was the lights. He said it causes a release of nitrogen (it being the light), which he says is a positive. He said the air from the sand bed is especially encouraging, as this means it's doing it's job. He said the bubbles will lessen as the nitro level, well, levels .
He also commented (as we looked at his display tank) that he also has bubbles on rocks and what-not, but he thinks his might be a case of over-skimming. Says his bubbles are somewhat sticky and don't really rise. I assured him that mine do rise (humorously, in fact).
I am no scientist and I do trust this guy. Pretty conservative and seems to care.
Kiharraconn, I wonder about the over-skimming and bubble algae?
As we speak (so to speak) there is a piece of flotsam floating to the top, you guessed it, attached to an air bubble. Boy, I hope this is a good thing.