air bubbler question


New Member
k kinda a noob question, but after reading about so many people getting bubbles in their tank apparently theyre bad?
in my 125 gallon i just set up i was wanting to get those air oxygenators to run across my whole tank (very simliar setup to the fish tank in nip/tuck) is this okay for my fish?


Active Member
do u mean like a bubble wall (im not familiar wit nip/tuck lol)
is u mean something like u need an air pump that releases bubble in the tank
then NO! lol u can not have bubbles in side ur tank since they can stress the fish and the bubbles get caught in fishes gills so definitly no u cant have a bubble wall or anything involvin bubbles


I have read several books on saltwater aquariums and they have all told me that if you want to put an airstone or bubble wand into your tank you can. It all depends on your personal prefrences.


I would not normally chime in on something like this, cause I'm very inexperienced. However, I think that it is probably ok. Shoot they do it in just about every Rainforest Cafe tank I've ever seen. And some of their fish live for years and years.
Speaking of RFC's, does anyone know what they use for pumps and filtration? I've never seen one with LR.


Active Member
its good for freshwater fish
wit slatwater its a big differnce the fish will get stressed and the bubbles will wind up on the fish's gills u can give it a try since its ur tank but im jus warning yea
but hey u dont have to always listen to us lol
look at me, i asked ppl if i can have a tank full of baby fish like baby racoon butterflies and baby angels and ppl said they will die on the way home or something like that but mayb next week ill try and get one so its ur tank and u do wat ever u want wit it, jus have fun wit it


New Member
Well, I've done something wrong again. When I started my 15g tank a few months ago I put a bubbler in. Because I've always had freshwater fish and always had bubbles for them, I thought you can never oxygenate the water too much, so I added bubbles for my salty fish.
I only have 2 small clownfish and yellow diamond goby, but the clowns play in the bubbles alot, so I'm thinking it's okay for my tank.
Thanks for asking the question rx7.


Active Member
Originally Posted by doody00
Well, I've done something wrong again. When I started my 15g tank a few months ago I put a bubbler in. Because I've always had freshwater fish and always had bubbles for them, I thought you can never oxygenate the water too much, so I added bubbles for my salty fish.
I only have 2 small clownfish and yellow diamond goby, but the clowns play in the bubbles alot, so I'm thinking it's okay for my tank.
Thanks for asking the question rx7.

It's NOT ok. They are playing in the bubbles; not a good thing. Large bubbles freak fish out and micro bubbles get trapped on their gills especially if they are "playing" in them. Just my thoughts.


ok ill answear this 1 :) if you have no other way too put air in the tank like trickel filter or hob or anything then yes plz put air in the tank fish need to breath also. and yes smaller bubbles can cause them suffocate .......
and if clowns or any fish are playing in the bubbles then thats great that mean they are enjoying there life DONT CHANGe A THINK


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish-man-t
and if clowns or any fish are playing in the bubbles then thats great that mean they are enjoying there life DONT CHANGe A THINK IMO OF COURSE
Fish, like children, don't always do what is best for them....
Micro bubbles can kill your fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
look at me, i asked ppl if i can have a tank full of baby fish like baby racoon butterflies and baby angels and ppl said they will die on the way home or something like that but mayb next week ill try and get one so its ur tank and u do wat ever u want wit it, jus have fun wit it

You realize we're talking about living animals here right?


New Member
Originally Posted by hot883
It's NOT ok. They are playing in the bubbles; not a good thing. Large bubbles freak fish out and micro bubbles get trapped on their gills especially if they are "playing" in them. Just my thoughts.
Thanks for the thoughts hot883.
I took my bubbler out. The clowns can find something else to play with. Better safe than sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
do u mean like a bubble wall (im not familiar wit nip/tuck lol)
is u mean something like u need an air pump that releases bubble in the tank
then NO! lol u can not have bubbles in side ur tank since they can stress the fish and the bubbles get caught in fishes gills so definitly no u cant have a bubble wall or anything involvin bubbles
In Nip/Tuck they have ciclids which are freshwater fish. However, during the first or second season I thought they had tangs it the tank for a couple of episodes.
I was about to write the producers and ask them if they were crazy for keeping the bubble wand for the saltwater fish. I then decided that I couldn't save the world and on one episode it seemed like they changed to the ciclids before I knew it.
I'm an admitted Nip/Tuck addict and cannot even wait for the DVR to tape it so I can skip the commercials like I do on everything else.
Denise M.