Air bubbles good or bad


New Member
I just bought a fine air disk and have set it up, but by the looks, it seems that it is more of a stress on the fish, clouds the water, and makes it have an unnatural look. WHat do you think?


Active Member
Air bubbles in salt water are not good at all. They strip the protective slimcoat off of your fish and they can get sick plus the reasons you mentioned. To airiate your water you should ripple the water surface w/ a powerhead or return water.


Active Member
air bubblers in saltwater = no good....
take it out and put a powerhead in there in salt water as stated before u just want the surface of the water to be constantly moving .... that exchanges all the carbon dioxide for fresh oxgyen....bubblers are very unnatural in salt water aquariums and can stress the fish like u have stated urs seem to be....


It strips the slime coat off the fish?? I have never, ever heard of that. I read tons of magazines, books, and articles on the net, and never once have I read of this theory. Have you ever seen a surge zone on the reef?? TONS, TONS, TONS of bubbles and I highly doubt the fish are being stripped of their slime coat!
The reason most people don't use the bubblers are because of the salt creep like Ophiura said, that and the fact that 'some' corals are irritated by bubbles being caught underneath them.


And then there's that whole bubble behind the eye thing, which causes a fish to have pop-eye syptoms...
I think they are ugly though, the air bubbles. If they really WERE a sparkling wall like it claims then I could see having one. They do the sparkling wall thing on tv and it looks neat, but in real life I think they are ugly. And yeah, the light reflects off of every bubble causing the water to look cloudy.


Uhhh.....pop eye is usually caused by a bacterial infection or a direct injury to the eye.....


New Member
Wow, I am glad someone asked this. I have a bubble wall in my tank and have had it but never knew it was bad. I do have alot of salt creep though, so that answers why i get that so bad. I will be taking mine out as soon as I get home tonight. Thanks!!!



Active Member
Pop eye is cuased by other problems but over saturated water, saturated with to much air can cause a diease that can olso cause a bulgeing of the eyes as well from gases being traped in the blood and lymphatic fluids. This is cause by Gas Bubble Disease ( Emphysematosis ) Kind of like the bends that divers get. The bubbles cause the pressure of the water on the fish to change and this causes gas to be traped in the fish. This is from an articale by Bob Fenner. Air stones dont really make enough bubbles to cause this but a powerhead churning the tiny micro bubbles for long periods of time can. Im not a scientist and its hard to understand most of the articals on this but bottom line imo is that bubbles are not good for most fish and as staded corals and inverts as well.
As far as stripping the slime coat from fish, I am trying some common thinking here and wondering if a skimmer removes who knows what from the water by traping particals with tiny micro bubbles that they come in contact with. And if fish are exposed to these same types of bubbles for long periods of time then how can they not be stripping the coating. Granted that just because I said it doesnt make it true but because noone said it does that make it false? But I guess I could be wrong.


Active Member
Bubbles can attach to fish and corals causing the skin to dry out causing really bad problems. If it gets to bad it can kill them.


I am one for the bubbles, I have had it for a long time with very healthy fish and I have the bubbles coming up through the live rock. I personally think it is very cool how the live rock seperates a stream into a wall of bubbles. And actually if it is unhealthy for fish, why do mine tend to play in the bubbles all the time. Clowns, dwarf angels, large angels and my anthia all love the bubbles. The only ones that don't pay any attention to the bubbles are my yellow tangs. Although I don't have any corals to be bothered by the bubbles. All you have to do is spend a little extra time wiping off extra salt.

jonny bolt

I had a bendable bubble bar for like 3 months. It looked cool cuz it was buried and zig-zagged under tha LR. But I took it out once I got a Mazi-Jet 1200. I can say positively that the LR that was touched by the bubbles when I had it running, grew coralline algae much, much faster than parts that werent. Just goes to show ya that you need water movement.
I think the bars look too unnatural, but I have seen some cool LR with one of the little bubble stone tucked under it, and the way the bubbles came up through looked natural. Very cool.