

I've got air-bubbles floating all around my tank. It kind of looks like dust, but I don't think it's that. I think the filter (a Fluval) creates them as the water breaks surface on the out-flow. Are these air-bubbles ok or what? They're kind of annoying because they make the water look dirty. Is there to get rid of them? I suppose decreasing the water-flow might work... :happyfish


If possible try and make the spout or whater the retrun water comes out of level with your water line. I had the same problem with my skimmer and all i did was turn the spout so the water was shooting out along the water and not into the water and aimed it at the back wall of the aquarium to break it up a little. Is this even possible with yours??


I've got a Fluval filter and can bring up the water level, I think. I did it a bit just now and it has lowered the number of these bubbles, but hasn't eliminated them completely. Too bad these outputs can't be submerged in water!! (Can they??) I don't think there's anything I could do with the Aqua C Remora skimmer. I don't know if there's a a way to lower the plate over which the water flows into the tank. Right now it's creating some bubbles, but it's right up against the back of the tank, so it's not so bad.



Originally posted by Dmitry
Too bad these outputs can't be submerged in water!! (Can they??)

I have a Fluval 304 and I have the output about 1" or so below the water line. Why did you think you can't do it?
Originally posted by Dmitry

I don't think there's anything I could do with the Aqua C Remora skimmer.

I too have the Remora and also had problems with microbubbles. AquaC makes a skimmer box that will fix the problem for you. They retail for about $20-$30.
Good luck!


I think I read in the directions for setting up the Fluval (which is a pain in the -#&#$, by the way!
) to set up the out-flow thingy above surface level. But if you can submerge it in water during operation...that's great! Are you sure?? :confused:


I used the same Fluval filter when I was running a freshwater tank. I'd guess that for about 2 years now mine has been running with the output below the surface.


Active Member
Most of ya'll may know this, but I just figured it out tonight so thought I would share.
I noticed micro bubbles in my tank. I figured they were from my protein skimmer (HOB) since I have it releasing the water about 2 inches from the water surface (I like the surface agitation that creates). Anyway, tonight I noticed that a powerhead's stream was shooting the bubbles from the skimmer into the tank.
I changed the direction of the powerhead a little and problem solved...