Air Stone


New Member
Hi There,
I am yes a newbie and put an airstone in my tank. I read on the suggestions and tips that air is not needed. Is this true? Can someone elaborate?


Active Member
It is typically not used in saltwater...even in freshwater it is generally not needed. I am assuming you have filtration and water movement. These are oxygenating the water (esp to have surface aggitation).
Airstones can cause a variety of issues. In tanks without corals it is in large part due to having a lot of salt creep where the bubbles hit the surface. In tanks with corals, microbubbles could cause issues.
But overall it is really not necessary for anything.


New Member
yes I have a pyramid protein skimmer and a regular filter. I also have 3 powerheads by hydor? the round ones koralia 2 and 2 koralia 1's.


just make sure the koralias are causing some ripples on the surface of the tank and you should be getting your needed oxygen.


Active Member
actually, airstones can cause more harm than good. They can cause micro bubbles which can damage your fish's gills


New Member
Awesome thank you all for your help. I removed my airstone and angeled one of the koralia's to ripple the top while the other two still point downward.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
actually, airstones can cause more harm than good. They can cause micro bubbles which can damage your fish's gills
So you have lost fish because of micro bubbles?