Airport puts X-mas trees back up


Active Member
I think the whole thing is ridiculous and pathetic. These people are sheep. One person asks where a menora is and they all run out and take down their Christmas trees? Oh, BTW, the tree itself really has nothing to do with Christianity. So it shouldn't even be a religous debate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hagfish
I think the whole thing is ridiculous and pathetic. These people are sheep. One person asks where a menora is and they all run out and take down their Christmas trees? Oh, BTW, the tree itself really has nothing to do with Christianity. So it shouldn't even be a religous debate.
Thank You!! I couldn't have said it better myself.


If tax dollars are being used to pay for the trees then I agree there should be an equal or no show of religious holiday symbols.
Separation of church and state gave those of us who do not celebrate Christmas the right to not have our tax dollars used for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by volunteerg
If tax dollars are being used to pay for the trees then I agree there should be an equal or no show of religious holiday symbols.
Separation of church and state gave those of us who do not celebrate Christmas the right to not have our tax dollars used for it.
Please explain what a Christmas tree has to do with religion before bringing up separation of church and state.
If there should be an equal showing of religious symbols (which a Christmas tree really is not), does the airport have to go get the statistical breakdown of religions in America and ensure that each religion is represented equally percentage wise? So if there are 70% Christians, they put up 70 trees out of 100 total decorations? What are we, communists? If they want to put up a tree let them do it. The fact is that the vast majority of people in this country celebrate Christmas (even those who are not Christians and do not even claim to be). And a Christmas tree is much more representative of just another holiday then it is of any religion. It is not much different than the easter bunny in that the bunny has nothing to do with what the holiday represents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by volunteerg
If tax dollars are being used to pay for the trees then I agree there should be an equal or no show of religious holiday symbols.
Separation of church and state gave those of us who do not celebrate Christmas the right to not have our tax dollars used for it.
The Christmas tree is not a religious symbol (unless you are a follower of an ancient pagan religion, druid, etc. ....)
While I respect the rites of everyone, the fact is the FEDERAL holiday is Christmas. Now, if you want to take away all federal holidays that originate around religious events fine with me, but until you do the "seperation" argument seems a bit contradictory to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hagfish
I think the whole thing is ridiculous and pathetic. These people are sheep. One person asks where a menora is and they all run out and take down their Christmas trees? Oh, BTW, the tree itself really has nothing to do with Christianity. So it shouldn't even be a religous debate.
Well put.


Active Member
Thank goodness there are folks that don't celebrate Christmas, we need people to work on those days and who better and not for Holiday pay.
Boss, I don't believe in the holiday, you can't make me take a paid day off or I will sue you.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la la!!!!!
shut up and be happy. sheesh.

bravo mimzy! .... bravo!


Active Member
i like jim gafigan's view on the chirstmas tree, "a drunk man decided to cut down a tree and bring it in, and take lights and put them outside..."
i am an open-minded religious person, and i think a lot of people over-react about a lot of stupid things. some father whose kid attended school in one of our nearby districts ordered all of the evergreen trees on school grounds to be cut down, and got all mad that some teacher had a snowman sweater on during school. ( :scared: gasp) today in gym class when we were working out in the fitness center we had christmas music on and nobody got mad.


Active Member
A christmas tree may not be an actual religious symbol but anyone that thinks that it doesnt represent Christmas, which is obviously a Christian holiday, is just crazy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
A christmas tree may not be an actual religious symbol but anyone that thinks that it doesnt represent Christmas, which is obviously a Christian holiday, is just crazy.
I see your point but, using that logic, Reindeer, Santa Claus, lights and snow men are "religious" symbols.
Again, from my earlier post, evergreen trees are in fact religious symbols. They just aren't Christian symbols. So does that mean Christians have a right to demand a manger scene be placed up alongside any public displays of Christmas trees?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
A christmas tree may not be an actual religious symbol but anyone that thinks that it doesnt represent Christmas, which is obviously a Christian holiday, is just crazy.
No doubt it represents the holiday of Christmas. But Christmas, the holiday is not celebrated as a religious event by all those who celebrate the holiday. For many, it is just a day to be giving and/or loving and spend some time with family. And as pointed out it is a national holiday. IMO, nobody setting foot on U.S. ground should be complaining about the existence of a Christmas tree in this way. Aside from the religious overtones, it would be the equivelent of preventing children from drawing out turkeys by tracing their hands in school for Thanksgiving.